President Trump considers pardoning Scooter Libby – IOTW Report

President Trump considers pardoning Scooter Libby

Daily Caller- President Donald Trump has signed off on a pardon for I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, who was convicted in 2007 of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements.

Trump has been considering a pardon for Libby for months, ABC News reported Thursday. Several conservative operatives and attorneys pressed Trump for the pardon, according to ABC. more here

19 Comments on President Trump considers pardoning Scooter Libby

  1. He was shafted by yet another rogue independent councellor. They should face legal consequences for abusing their power since their motives always seem political. A rope would be even better.

  2. @Thirdtwin. For a guy they think is so vacant and clueless Trump seems to be very deft at getting his digs in. Meanwhile the Bush dimwit will have it explained to him what just happened.

  3. Long overdue, yes.
    The Libby affair was one more thing that soured me on W.
    And gov in general. The witch hunts and weaponization of the law has been going in for awhile now, but at this time it seems the swamp itself is pulling out all the stops.

    I would like to see PDT pardon Ramos and Compean as well,,maybe even more so.

  4. Wasn’t Comey the one who selected Patrick “Merry Fitzmas” Fitzpatrick to lead this witch hunt even though they knew Armitage was the leaker all along?

    So much to this. A fuck you to Comey. A fuck you to Bush who left Libby out to twist in the wind. To Mueller as foreshadowing to these process crimes he jerks off to.

  5. Was this another instance where a Boosh expected a Meheecan to get the job done?
    Because W can’t possibly blame anyone else for the betrayal of Scooter Libby.

    Can’t wait for W to show his face publicly and talk more nonsense.
    Maybe he can appear on Teh View and explain it to Joy Behag.

  6. I would get more excited if he wasn’t another ranking member of the deep state even though it was miscarriage of justice to convict him.

    but heck it rubs salt in the lefts wounds so go for it.

  7. I wanna see people going IN to Prison more so than coming out. When does that start? And there should be caning. Public caning. And maybe a marching band, and some fireworks….and a small gauntlet for Obuttster.

  8. Free Scooter. That has a pleasant, yet ambiguous ring to it. It can either mean “free Scooter Libby” or “Walmart is giving away free scooters.”


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