President Trump Eliminates Some Of World’s Top Terrorists In Just A Few Months – IOTW Report

President Trump Eliminates Some Of World’s Top Terrorists In Just A Few Months


President Donald Trump has taken out some of the world’s top terrorists in a matter of months, approving military raids and strikes that have decapitated the leadership of various terror-affiliated organizations.

The death of Qasem Soleimani, the leader of Iran’s elite Quds Force, on Thursday night, was just the latest in a line of successful assassinations by the Trump administration.

Hamza bin Laden

While it is unclear when exactly Hamza bin Laden, the son of late al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, was killed, Trump confirmed his death in mid-September. The younger bin Laden was taking on a more prominent role in al-Qaeda before he was killed in a U.S.-led counterterrorism operation in South Asia.

The State Department had put out a $1 million reward for information on bin Laden’s whereabouts in early 2019, but reports say he may have been killed anytime between 2017 and 2019.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed during a Trump-approved U.S. special forces raid in late October.

The raid reportedly lasted about two hours and took place at al-Baghdadi’s compound in Syria. al-Baghdadi was chased into a tunnel by a special forces canine and, after reaching a dead end, the ISIS leader killed himself by detonating a suicide vest. Three children were also killed in the blast.  Keep Reading

26 Comments on President Trump Eliminates Some Of World’s Top Terrorists In Just A Few Months

  1. I’m betting enemy activity in his sector drops.


    “Well, I have some other shocking news to tell you. Colonel
    Kurtz was about to be arrested for murder.”

    “I don’t follow sir. Murdered who ?”

    “Kurtz had ordered executions of some Vietnamese intelligence
    agents. Men he believed were double agents. So he took
    matters into his own hands.”
    WILLARD (v.o.)
    “Late summer-autumn 1968 :
    Kurtz’s patrols in the highlands coming under frequent
    ambush. The camp started falling apart…November: Kurtz orders
    the assassination of three Vietnamese men and one
    woman. Two of the men were Colonels in the South
    Vietnamese army. Enemy activity in his old sector dropped
    off to nothing. Guess he must have hit the right
    four people.

  2. Praying Mantis, 4/18/88, we sank the Iranian navy, and were done by lunchtime.

    I was there, and I am not Brian Williams.

    Reagan was in charge, Trump is his student.

    Thank God we have Trump for awhile. Can you imagine Screeching Bitch or Buttplug in charge? Bernie? Perish the thought. Begone, Satan!

  3. None of these murdering slime were assassinated. They are all valid military targets. They had sown thousands of deaths, time had come to reap theirs.
    This last guy was hit with surprise lunch. Sorry General, we have no VIP air conditioning.

  4. why is Krappernick flapping his asscheeks? Islam has killed more brown, black and white people than nature itself.
    The second he set foot in the middle east he’d be robbed and then killed. Fucking idiot.

  5. Iranians are neither black or brown, and Kaepernick is a semi-black who is completely oblivious to the Islamic slave trade. “Idiot” would be a complimentary word to use in describing Kaepernick.

  6. The left screams about Trump’s action in taking out this Iranian general. They claim that ordinary Americans will pay the price in getting bombed, assassinated by Iranian agents.

    I do not recall that kind of reaction when Obama’s government kill bin Laden. Am I missing something here?

  7. The U.S.A. is not what it was going into WW2. Instead of Singer Sewing Machine Co. and others switching to aircraft production, we are going to do the heavy lifting with computers. Good Luck:

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