President Trump Ends Patriot Party Talk, Will Primary Never-Trumpers – IOTW Report

President Trump Ends Patriot Party Talk, Will Primary Never-Trumpers

Geller Report:

Excellent. Donald Trump must lead the effort to primary the anti-Trump Republicans in 2022 and beyond.

Former President Donald Trump has reportedly tabled the idea moving forward with a third party, as he now believes he will not be convicted in the Senate and is instead turning his focus to assisting primary challenges against never-Trump Republicans.

more here

SNIP: If your state has closed primaries, you cannot primary a RINO if you’re in different party. The ’22 election season has already begun.

22 Comments on President Trump Ends Patriot Party Talk, Will Primary Never-Trumpers

  1. He’s going to primary every single republican senator?

    If you leave mitch mcconnell in place, then you are not changing the party.
    If you leave any of the republican senators in place, you are not changing the party. Because they all made mitch mcconnell their leader.

    The republican leadership of the House was defending Liz Cheney just last week. That was the same week the republicans party of Wyoming were censuring Liz Cheney for being a traitor to the party.

    Is there a mass psychosis among republicans? An inability to admit the obvious?

    The republican establishment is not on our side. To refuse to admit it is a delusion. And we all pay for it.

  2. The Patriot PAC, I heard Mitt Romney and Chris Christie have volunteered to run it. Haha, just kidding. But if that happens they damn sure better be careful who is involved.

  3. At this point parties are immaterial – patriotism is more important to prevent ewection theft.

    Republicans suck – become an independent and don’t give any of them the satisfaction of endorsing a rino. All of them are biden the chicoms.

    The founding Fathers weren’t in parties when they started to throw out the British.

  4. I’m stuck up here in Canuckistan:

    Splitting conservative votes between Republicans & NewParty will result in huge Demo majorities. It Happened up here & Turdo got a minority. The new conservative party caused at least 8 seats to go to Liberals that would have gone to SOFT conservatives. Little ASS MASTER re-elected.

    The best bet is to prevent RINO’S from even getting into the Repubelicker party.

    That is the Re-Pube-Licker party.

    Filthy Pube Licking Bastard Traitors.

  5. ….official song of the RNC…

    “(They smilin’ in your face)
    All the time, they want to take your place
    The back stabbers (back stabbers)
    Ha, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, low down, dirty
    Smilin’ faces smilin’ faces sometimes tell lies (back stabbers)
    (They smilin’ in your face)
    I don’t need low down, dirty bastards (back stabbers)”

  6. A few (maybe a lot) of Republicans will pull an Arlen Spector if they think they may be headed for the electoral chopping block. Certainly Romney will, and good fucking riddance. He can take Collins, Murkowski, Cheney, Sasse, and a few others with him when he does. The REAL question is, will the Democrats take them in? They don’t need them (at least at the moment), tho’ it could be fun to watch the Dems try to integrate them into the herd. Time will tell…

  7. Reportedly.

    Sorry to say, but Trump has nothing to do with a third party. The Patriot Party has already been created and the documents done. Saw them on Gab yesterday. We’re done with the Republicans. Survey out today says that the Patriot party would put the Republicans in 3rd place right now.

  8. After looking at all the angles i do think Trump is taking the right course. Defeat the court case for impeachment so he can run again. then lead pacs and his loyal followers to rebuild the Republican Party without the Rinos and weak candidates. Every one of the former military people that Col West backed were elected to Congress. From all over the US. Duh. Lots of good SEALS, smart recently discharged military to pick from. Get er done.

  9. The Republican Party is too deep in shit to every be cleaned. So, Karl Rove is going to change his bullshit? Bush? McConnell? Boehner? (Wherever he is.) Roberts?

    Come on! The only way is a third party to broker with the rats of the GOP. At least we’d be separate from them.

    I think PDJT got some bad advice.

    Where is the new news network?

    Maybe he just needs a bit of a break. He needs a talking to from Rush Limbaugh.

  10. Thanks Kcir for providing the proof a third, fourth etc. parties would weaken conservative influence and political power.

    Like it or not strengthening the Republican Party is the logical choice.

    RINOs MUST be purged from the Republican Party – the best way to go forward. They’ve used the Republican Party as a prop for their devious plans far too long.

    BTW, The Democrats don’t allow leftist/liberal/globalist/socialist/communist/factions to last very long or exist outside the boundaries of the Democrat Party – precisely, because they know it weakens their power base.

  11. We use to refer to someone as a “Goldwater Republican”, “Eisenhower Republican”, or a “Reagan Republican”.
    We will hence forth refer to true constitutional patriots and conservatives as Trump Republicans.

  12. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in December 1941. The Japanese signed the surrender in September 1945, just under 46 months

    It is now January 2012. November 2024 is 45 months away. We can’t get an energized party up in that amount of time?

    The usual problem with third parties, outside of fringe wacko third parties, is that they are usually started at almost the last minute by people who didn’t get nominated by either branch of the Uniparty. That’s why they don’t work. Does anyone one really think that reforming the GOP is going to work? There must be enough people absolutely disgusted with the RINO’s to make an alternative viable.

    The Republicans are never going to nominate anyone who is not testicularly challenged ever again.

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