President Trump: Federal Lockdowns To Expire April 30th – IOTW Report

President Trump: Federal Lockdowns To Expire April 30th

OAN: President Trump has said coronavirus related lockdowns will be allowed to expire on the federal level. While speaking to reporters on Wednesday, the president stated it will be up to governors to decide when and how to reopen their states.

According to Vice President Mike Pence, the federal government will work with governors to make sure the restrictions are lifted in a safe and responsible manner.

“I’ve had many calls from governors… We’re speaking to a lot of different people, and they’re explaining what they’re doing. I am very much in favor of what they’re doing. They’re getting it going and we’re opening our country again.” – Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States

The vice president has said new federal guidelines will include a timeline to reopen states going into phases two and three. read more

17 Comments on President Trump: Federal Lockdowns To Expire April 30th

  1. …if you want to know where they’re headed, the WHO and The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation did a tabletop excercise for forcing universal vaccination in 2018 using a hypothetical Coronavirus outbreak. This video goes into detail about what they’ve got planned for us, FROM THEIR OWN REPORT.

    Funny how that worked out, their either prophets…or IN on it…

    …they don’t say what your “Vaccine Certificate” will look like, tho. My guess would be something simple, like 3 sixes, and easy to see, like on your right hand or your forehead…

  2. That’s only the “Federal level”. The Governors (and Mayors) that have now become full blown tyrants are going to milk this for who knows how long. I’m considering heating up a huge cauldron of tar, how ’bout you?

    ^^^^ Nice one Bobcat.

  3. There should have no Federal lockdowns in the first place, and Trump should never have gone along with and accepted them. He should have openly stood against them.

    More freedom lost, far more than the previous 3 administrations combined.

    Yet his supporters will cheer him on and deride anyone who doesn’t join in with them.

  4. Anyone who tests positive for antibodies would, should, and probably will refuse the vaccine. The many people who THINK they already had it (which we now know is very possible) will likely decline.

    So the globalists’ next move will be to make getting antibody testing very difficult or impossible for average folks. You won’t be able to prove you were exposed.

    Then, as stated above, certain sectors of the workforce will make the vaccine mandatory to keep your job.

    If I were a global leftist, that’s what I’d do. I hate that I can think like these wicked savages.

  5. Anonymous APRIL 30, 2020 AT 8:48 AM

    …that may be the case if it were ACTUALLY about things medical, but since this is less about any actual “medical” issues but rather about satan and his Democrat minions making another play to rule mankind for their benefit, I think a more accurate descripition is as follows:

    “16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

    Revelation 13:16-19

    …you will DEFINITELY have your ability to “Buy and Sell” by not accepting it, but you may not like the ULTIMATE destination it buys you…

    “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”
    Revelation 20:10

  6. Relax.

    The mark of the beast will not come into play until Antichrist himself is in power — a man that pretty much the entire world (except for a remnant of redeemed Jews) accepts as the greatest leader ever — who is accompanied by a false prophet with many lying signs and wonders which will eventually delude many into believing “the man of sin” is God.

    That said…could things like this be precursors to such a mark, whatever it’s final form may take? Maybe. And should we resist such a vaccine? That’s for the individual to decide, but there’s lots of other, better reasons to reject it than “It’s the mark of the beast.” Without the other biblical factors, it ain’t the mark.

  7. Christians who have placed their lives in God’s hands have been given the Holy Spirit as their guide and counselor. When they actively allow him to guide them, they will know the truth.

    John 16:7-14

    7 But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. 8 When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: 9 about sin, because people do not believe in me; 10 about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; 11 and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.

    12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.

  8. I was told by someone on FB that submitting to temp checks and wearing a mask to enter businesses was the new normal and that all of us had no choice but to get used to it. I replied that like hell we had to get used to it. Businesses taking it upon themselves to do this because it’s not mandated in my state will lose business. If our government starts mandating it, then I still won’t comply.
    The problem is how many do comply, just like they’ve complied since the beginning of this shit. Some of these same people who were staying hid in their home drawing their government check telling everyone else to stay at home are now telling everyone to wear a mask and get your temp checked.

    I won’t comply with their vaccine either, I’ve never once taken a flu shot and I sure as hell won’t take a virus shot and they will kill me before they implant me with a chip or some other form of digital papers.

  9. “I was told by someone on FB that submitting to temp checks and wearing a mask to enter businesses was the new normal and that all of us had no choice but to get used to it. I replied that like hell we had to get used to it. Businesses taking it upon themselves to do this because it’s not mandated in my state will lose business. If our government starts mandating it, then I still won’t comply.”


    I’m getting by without pretty much all of them NOW, so I’ll be able to do so even easier when they’re all opening for business. If they want to be draconian when their competition isn’t…well…shoulda thought twice.

  10. A city in our state, a very liberal city full of idiot leftist professors and idiot college kids with a total left wing idiot female mayor is refusing to follow the state plan to reopen. Their mayor is a transplant from Wichita, KS with a political science degree, another of their city councilmen is a transplant from D.C. also with a political science degree. Both are those feminist women that love transgenders in female sports and restrooms. I only speak for myself but closing OU would be a plus for our state, we’d get rid of all the leftist professors, all the leftist transplant college kids and we’d quit having intelligent kids being brainwashed with all their diversity and bullshit classes, entering as intelligent, leaving as brain dead zombies.

    Here is a comment that the bitch council member made to a man that said they were going to protest city hall.

    Considering none of us are there and won’t be for some time, I’m sure your protest will have exactly the impact I expect.

    He also informed the police department of their protest and asked them if they would infringe on their right to peaceful assemble and what if any legal action would be taken against them. This is the response he got from the police department.

    We would encourage you to follow current proclamation guidelines regarding gatherings and social distancing. Response from NPD will first be education.

  11. Tulsa is just as bad with a Republican mayor. Not to be rude, but I honestly do not know how voters in Tulsa could not have looked at the guy and seen he’s a nerdy lefty. He’s grudgingly finally opening some businesses, but has said all city parks, pools, basketball courts and other things will be closed for the summer. You can play at the city golf course or tennis courts though. I’ve already seen groups of parents who are going to make him pay for that one, they’re planning a trip with their kids to the golf course to let them run and play and a trip to the tennis courts with sidewalk chalk.
    He’s not about to relinquish his power though and you will be fined or arrested if you don’t follow his guidelines. HHMM, here I always thought cops enforced laws not guidelines.


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