President Trump Files 2 Lawsuits Against Raffensperger for Leaking Confidential Litigation Call – IOTW Report

President Trump Files 2 Lawsuits Against Raffensperger for Leaking Confidential Litigation Call

Gateway Pundit:

The travesty in Georgia continues.

President Trump held a one-hour long phone call on Saturday with crooked Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and state election officials on the 2020 election in his state that was wrought with fraud.

It’s not clear if Ruby Freeman or Ralph Jones, Sr. were on the call.

In the one-hour phone call on Saturday, President Trump insisted he won the state and threatened vague legal consequences.

Raffensperger’s team leaked the call to the far-left Washington Post.
It took 24 hours for the Washington Post to publish a hit piece, using edited audio clips, on the president’s phone call.

Georgia Republican chairman David Shafer later announced that President Trump and his team filed two lawsuits against Secretary of State Raffensperger. more


From December 7, 2020

Top Georgia Officials Are Directly Connected to CHICOM Interference In the 2020 Election


A former Army Intelligence Captain shares a boatload of election oddities.

On New Year’s Day, an interview on Pure Social TV (lots of new media cropping up these days) featured Seth Keshel, former Army Intelligence Captain. It focused on numerous election patterns that bucked historical trends.

Keshel is smart, serious, detail oriented, and gets right to the heart of things. He also uses simple graphics to support his points.

h/t — sorry, I forgot. lol

18 Comments on President Trump Files 2 Lawsuits Against Raffensperger for Leaking Confidential Litigation Call

  1. James O’Keefe
    Veritas has had an team of undercover agents in Georgia for months.

    1st video release tomorrow morning…

    Stay tuned! Sleep tight! CC

  2. What went down in November and since is a bipartisan coup d’etat. The Republican establishment has been up to their eyeballs in it.

    I have told people for two decades do not donate even a wooden nickel to the Republican Party, only donate to individual candidates you have vetted.

    I feel validated when I look at the maneuvering of the conniving bastards that is being exposed for all to see. The Washington State Republican Party was so blatant and “in your face” about what have been about it was easy for me to recognize long ago, what is somewhat comforting is that others are now saying the same thing I have been saying.

  3. ” … he won the state and threatened vague legal consequences.”

    vague legal consequences aren’t worth much, specific ones using specific laws against specific persons would be but not vague ones against no one in particular that don’t scare anyone in the real world.

  4. Another “perfect phone call”, with transcript, sliced and diced by the media. Trump is somehow awarded his rightful victory, they’re also going to impeach him for this call. And I won’t be surprised when the kangaroo court dismisses his lawsuits for “Lack of Standing” and “Prosecution of a Political Opponent”.

  5. The left and media aka crooked commies, have done with this call what they did with the “very fine people” comment.
    Took a portion while cutting out the real message so as to try to make POTUS look bad.

    This is all gonna bite them in the big fat CCP azz.

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