FOX: President Trump and first lady Melania visited the Taj Mahal Monday, hours after the U.S. leader gave a rousing speech to more than 110,000 at a cricket stadium in Ahmedabad, India.
The president and first lady strolled around the grounds of India’s most famous attraction, taking in the sights. It was a rare occasion of the president visiting a cultural site on an international visit. more
And he shipped in 100k McDonald’s Quarter Pounders for everyone there!
Respect is always earned and Trump has clearly earned it on a global scale.
Watch out for coronavirus POTUS!
and the democrats all say we lost respect from the rest of the world due to DJT.
embrace the suck joy behar and whoopie!
I’m sure American MSM will bury this great story deep in their mire. Bums
If Obummer was still POTUS drawing these kind of crowds,the American media would have this as front page news with fawning wall to wall coverage!
They don’t count, they’re not authentic Indians.
Meanwhile Jackass Joe fills his pants in half-empty gymnasiums!
I remember when Obama was first elected he drew big crowds in Europe. But by this time in his presidency running against Romney he was holding rallies in predominantly black areas and they were the majority of attendees. The bloom came off him once he enacted his agenda while Trump has gained and continues to gain supporters from the success of his policies.
At Grool:
That’s funny!