President Trump has a little can of whoopass for Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua – IOTW Report

President Trump has a little can of whoopass for Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua

AT: President Trump has always been adept at spotting talent.  He’s reeled in a big one with his new appointment of Mauricio Claver-Carone to the top White House post on Latin America.

According to the Miami Herald:

The Trump administration is expected to name Mauricio Claver-Carone, one of the most outspoken opponents of the Obama administration’s rapprochement with Cuba, as the new senior director of the National Security Council’s Western Hemisphere Affairs, according to two U.S. officials familiar with the decision.

Claver-Carone will take over the influential White House department for Juan Cruz, who led the department since the early months of the Trump administration and was a key architect of Trump’s policies to pressure the Venezuelan government.

The Miami native, raised in Spain and Orlando, will take over the coordination of Latin American policies among the White House, State Department, Treasury and other agencies.

At long last, someone is going to be in the White House who understands that place and the leftist regimes plaguing it.  That’s horrible news for the Castro oligarchy in Cuba, the Ortega dictatorship in Nicaragua, and the Chavista narco-thugocracy of Venezuela whose days of pulling tricks on gringo and getting away with crap are now over.    more here

5 Comments on President Trump has a little can of whoopass for Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua

  1. They were never pulling tricks on us. The politicians pulled down the pants of the American people bent us over and laughed while we were having the coal poured to us all the while telling us to squeal like a pig.

    I pray and thank God for PDJT multiple times a day

  2. Frank, I think its a virtual prayer meeting every day all over the internet. Prophet Kim Clement prophecied Trump would be president back in 2010 i think, but he also said God told him they would cry “impeach, impeach but nay, it shall not happen”


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