President Trump Highlights Potential for Chinese Involvement in SolarWinds Orion Cyber Intrusion – IOTW Report

President Trump Highlights Potential for Chinese Involvement in SolarWinds Orion Cyber Intrusion


Why would any foreign actor go through all the trouble to rob a bank and yet take nothing?…

This is the metaphor for U.S. officials noticing the backdoor to our national cyber-network was found wide open, and yet not a single organization attached to the SolarWind’s Orion network points to any negative impact other than the existence itself of the originating malware. It just doesn’t add up.

Keep in mind… this “malware” has been in place since May and only recently identified.

DNI John Ratcliffe announced there was “foreign interference” in the election, and while citing Russia, China and Iran the DNI said the report on election security would be delayed. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo points to Russia as the source of the SolarWinds’ intrusion; but there is no specific evidence outlined. Today, following a briefing on the issues President Trump noted it could be Russia, but it could also be China.

There seems to be a coordinated effort to blame Russia by government officials and a host of media groups.  Russia is a favored scapegoat, and given how the media falsely blamed Russia for 2016 election interference/collusion, corporate media carry a self-interest in perpetrating that narrative.

Any suggestion is was *not* Russia is then used to weaponize a Russia-apologist narrative. However, considering most of our institutions have a financial relationship with China, the self-serving hypocrisy of China-apologists carries a particularly deafening tone.

Accepting that no-one really knows, yet, who originated this intrusion, here is a Big Picture notation from the Rebel Alliance:

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9 Comments on President Trump Highlights Potential for Chinese Involvement in SolarWinds Orion Cyber Intrusion

  1. If the intent were to siphon data and intel, then crippling or destroying the network would make little sense. Or perhaps it WAS being primed for an attack, but the time for it simply hadn’t arrived yet. That’s assuming, of course, that what we’re being told is real and not merely some kind of distraction.

  2. So the Mittens Romney, cocaine Mitch, DiFi-ChiCom, Fang Bang SwallowsWell, Bela Pelosi, BeiDeng faction just sit on the sidelines silently watching Communist China take over our country.

    At what price you traitors? What is your soul worth? You are disgusting, despicable pieces of human excrement.

  3. I will tell you what is sad….
    There was a time when explaining rights and wrongs to the young’ins was quite simple.

    All you had to do was tell the facts and the young’in had a full understanding.

    I strongly suspect ALL of that has been corrupted.

    While we weep, the libs gloat.

  4. Keep in mind that all war is based on deception.

    And further keep in mind that we are in the age of deception wherein all deception is also based on deception. Double deceptions abound.


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