President Trump immediately shut down the CBP One app – IOTW Report

President Trump immediately shut down the CBP One app

Not the Bee:

Ladies and gentlemen (and I do mean ladies and gentlemen), the winning has officially begun.

At exactly noon, the moment President Trump was sworn into office, the CBP One app was officially shut down. more here

14 Comments on President Trump immediately shut down the CBP One app

  1. That video of a sobbing “woman” (what do I know? I’m not a biologist) looked like pure, fake crocodile tears. Just so long as she cries on the south side of the US/Mexico border. (while we’re at it, can we block the presstitute Lame Stream Media from coming back north from their propaganda “assignments”?)

  2. *sigh* Missed opportunity.

    They should have changed the app so that when it’s started, it displays the message CBP One is temporarily unavailable. Try again tomorrow., and have the phone send its geolocation data to the server. It would be handy to track the location of anyone trying to use the app from within the U.S., don’t you think?

  3. Cry me a river. This “shift” just got real for illegal invaders. Now maybe they will take President Trump seriously, self deport quicker and go back home.

  4. “OMG!… There is a a photo of a crying brown child in Northern Mexico!… Let’s just let the entire third world move into the United States!!!…”

    – The usual fucking retards

    Damn the 19th amendment. Damn it all to Hell.


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