President Trump Invokes Defense Production Act – IOTW Report

President Trump Invokes Defense Production Act

The act ensures the private sector can ramp-up manufacturing and distribution of emergency medical supplies and equipment. The move gives the White House the authority to increase production of masks, ventilators and respirators, as well as expand hospital capacity to combat the coronavirus. MORE

8 Comments on President Trump Invokes Defense Production Act

  1. …military food producer here. It’s nice when the Govenrment goes balls-out like this, but it takes awhile to ramp up production even if you have IPP equipment as the machines are NEVER turnkey start-ups, suppliers of raw materials have to be available, contracted, and ramped up before you can even START, you’re gonna have to find a BUNCH of people to work it and RE work it because your green, untrained newbies WILL screw your product up, and Management will put TREMENDOUS pressure on Quality to get Production out because they will CERTAINLY overstate their capacity, be too optimistic about the start-up, not reaize their suppliers are going to have the same problems, and therefore severely overpromise to the Federal government.

    …im my business, we’re actually ahead because we are REQUIRED to keep a certain amount of reserve equipment and can ALWAYS shift our civilian capacity temporarily to military, but I doubt providers of medical equipment are similarly positioned, so the star-up arc will be even longer: plus, the standards of sterility may be MUCH higher, which will further complicate things.

    …long story short, the Coronavirus scare will probably be OVER before the new production comes on line, leaving them with excess capacity and raw materials, and likey not contributing anything during the “Crisis” time.

  2. …we had a competitor fill a new building with a lot of shiny new high-tech equipment just for Operation Desert Storm, predicated on the HUGE need the military had for MREs and such in that environment. Big contracts were signed, equipment installed, work begun on making it roll.

    Then Saddam had the nerve to get his ass handed to him quickly.

    …long story short, contracts cancelled, building emptied of people, competitor went out of business, and we ended up owning all their assets in the new plant for pennies on the dollar.

    That Gummint money can be sweet…

    …but it can sour, QUICK…

  3. I live within 20 miles of an Industrial Park where they make everything from trashbags to protein for baby food. They’re talking about going to skeleton crews, due to the number of people calling in sick because they’re scared of the coronavirus, those people I have no sympathy for if they can’t pay their bills.
    The city annexed the park into city limits and the city just mandated the 10 people rule and are supposed to have another emergency meeting tomorrow to iron out the details.
    Not one single case in my county.

  4. Speaking of MAGA has anyone here heard this?:
    “Did you hear this BRILLIANT move Trump made to stick it to Russia and the Saudis?
    I’m sure you did NOT, because the Media is too busy in their NEVER-ENDING efforts to make Americans hate Trump.
    Let me help inform you, how easily your opinion is being steered by your news media.
    This explains how in his Friday Rose Garden address, President Trump quite deftly made an end-run around a part of the current crisis that the Saudis created last Monday:
    Saudi Arabia Floods Market with Ultra Low Price Oil to Crash Market, Take out US Oil… HE BOUGHT IT ALL!!!
    So Saudi Arabia just ‘so happened’ to flood the market with ultra low cost oil at the same time that our stock markets were crashing due to Corona Virus (as if that wasn’t planned) in an attempt to crash the US markets as well as to put US oil companies out of business.
    US Oil producers need about $30 per barrel of oil and conveniently Saudi Arabia dumped oil at around +- $20 per barrel to hurt both Russia and America.
    Well… Just so happens that Obama had lowered our strategic oil reserves for his slush fund and then spent the dough buying votes. So there’s plenty of room in our storage facilities for lots more oil.
    So… instead of what would have been an economic disaster, taking the USA from being a top Oil producer down to being the #1 in the number of oil companies going out of business…
    Prez. Trump saw the move as a great deal on oil, at ultra low prices…
    So he declared a national emergency, freeing up US Federal Funds which allowed him to suck up all the oil that Saudi Arabia dumped on the market, at a super low price for the USA Strategic Reserves!
    That move basically sucked all the wind out of Saudi Arabia’s attempt to crash the oil market and got us millions of gallons of oil for our oil reserves… in ONE MOVE!
    Thank you Daniel Duffy for helping keep the TRUTH in front of Americans.”
    Not sure to whom this should be attributed, but I had not seen it elsewhere, and I missed the Friday Rose Garden address.

  5. ” increase production of masks, ventilators and respirators, as well as expand hospital capacity ”
    We just GOTTA keep that border open so we can finally get the right people who can do those jobs …


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