President Trump Issues Statement Responding to Electoral Certification – IOTW Report

President Trump Issues Statement Responding to Electoral Certification

“Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th. I have always said we would continue our fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!”


Trump banishes Pence chief of staff.

Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short on Wednesday accused President Trump of revoking his White House access as tensions between Pence and Trump continued to deteriorate.

14 Comments on President Trump Issues Statement Responding to Electoral Certification

  1. Too bad. I thought Pence was braver.
    I wonder though, how many people who give in and allow evil to move up have been threatened or had their families threatened.
    How many are actually cowards or only interested in money and power and the country be damned?

    The judiciary and state legislatures failed the worst.

  2. He surrendered, they won he lost.

    They won, you lost. That’s all there is to it.

    Now get over it and start trying do what can still be realistically done to oppose Leftist rule for the next eight years.

  3. I think pence is just evil.
    There were states that wanted to pull the electors and begged him for 10 days to have investigations in their states. But mr “i’m not standing in the way of an election’ actually stood in the way of the very people who had the rights to oppose!
    He’s evil.

  4. I think Trumps administration was plagued with bad choices in staff and appointments. Pence is a perfect example. There is no doubt that the election was manipulated for a Biden win and the treacherous vice president sealed the deal.
    He’s dead in politics as far as I’m concerned.

  5. Pence will be forever a traitor to his country.
    Vengeance is mine sayth the Lord.
    President Trump we still and always will have your back. MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  6. Pence and all the traitors in the House and Senate will answer one day. They can’t avoid their judgment day.

    I appreciate Trump trying, but he took on the swamp, by not getting rid of the swamp and surrounding himself with the swamp.

    I hope so many leave the Republican party that it at least shows them they lost their voters.

    I have said for years, even before the evidence slapped me in the face that there is no such thing as an honest election, that the only thing that can fix D.C. is to get rid of 95% of the ABC’s and get the rest out of D.C. A President isn’t going to fix it, neither are congressmen or Senators, even those who show up that are not corrupted.

    I see us now with three choices if we don’t want to live under full blown communism, we have already been living for years under a form of communism.

    1. A convention of the states. Something I’ve been against in the past, but it may be the only non-violent way.
    2. Split the country up, red states need to secede. This will probably lead to war.
    3. Overthrow the government, which is definitely a civil war.

    I’m sure though there are many of us who are going to disappear soon, either death or jail. They’re going to make us pay and there is nobody going to come to our rescue.

  7. Pence is a traitor and a Quisling. How can he call himself a man of God and let the deep state and the democraps and their media sycophants etc. get away with this. I’m just waiting for some official church asshole to say it was God’s will and that we all need to bow down and obey the government because the Bible tells us to do so. NEVER! I WILL NOT SUBMIT!

  8. @ Geoff
    Romans 13 was written from Paul’s jail cell.
    Just saying.
    Will we be called un American if we put up resist signs? Yeah, of course.
    We’re going to be taxed seven ways to Sunday, the Green New Deal, mandatory queers in your church and businesses, tax and track by the mile all vehicles. Gun registration and confiscation, for our safety of course. Not so great reset.
    What can stop them? Can’t wait to see what job Hunter has in this adventure?
    I caramba, I’m losing sleep every night.
    God help us.

  9. Motives: Threats or Money and power. If you are threatened with death and asked to do what you know is terribly wrong…Then DIE. MAke this decision in life early so that when you are threatened you know what you will do. Beacuse if and when you comply you will be dead inside forever anyway. IF you are one driven by money and power alone there is a special hell for you both in life and there after.

  10. “1. A convention of the states. Something I’ve been against in the past, but it may be the only non-violent way.”

    That would establish a new government, same as it did last time with the Philadelphia convention. It won’t be a free one with individual liberties this time around.

    “2. Split the country up, red states need to secede. This will probably lead to war.”

    This would end in foreign domination, Russia, China, Iran or the U.N., not a new and free country.

    Same result with a civil war if a viable one could be mounted, which it can’t.

    Do you really think a new government would be anything at all like the current one is? That it would have the same tentative rights and such as the one we have now where we can try to correct it when it goes wrong through the Constitutinal and Legal processes?

    It will be the Left and their desires that prevails at any Convention of the States, not the right.

  11. The convention could take up the issue: free and fair elections or not – and then take a vote. It probably won’t get 2/3rds of the states, but we’d know who wants out and who is willing to stick with the corrupt rulers. Even if it doesn’t get as far as an actual convention, the list of states who support the idea of a convention over election fraud gives us a list of which states don’t suck. When given a choice of following Detroit, Chicago, New York or the red states, many purple states may see the error of their ways.

    The blue states claim to think they are better off without us. Disunion may be dangerous, but we sure aren’t united now – the red US can’t do ANYTHING good because we are chained to a gang of crooks. Other countries have split in the past, without major problems.

    What to do about the currency is a big issue in a split. I say let them keep the dollar, we can set up something backed by commodities. They claim to be stupid enough to think debt is a good basis for a currency and more is better.

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