President Trump MAGA Election Rally, Miami Florida – 5:00pm ET Livestream – IOTW Report

President Trump MAGA Election Rally, Miami Florida – 5:00pm ET Livestream

Conservative Treehouse: Today President Trump is heading to the formerly deep blue region of Miami-Dade to drive a stake into the heart of the Florida communist apparatus and expel the leftist demons from the sunshine state. This is the MAGA election rally that should trigger the Tsunami on Tuesday. LINKS HERE

4 Comments on President Trump MAGA Election Rally, Miami Florida – 5:00pm ET Livestream

  1. Ooppsie looks like Brad’s BFF Ron DeSanctimonious is a no show at this vital rally to rid Miami Dade of the Dem infestation/stronghold….why is that?? Ron is G-O-P-e that’s why.

  2. DeSantis = DeStroy fat BOY!
    FAT crys WTF wah wah wah.
    The only thing Fat Boy knows is, well nothing but wah wah wah I made u wah wah wah sniffle sniffing coward wah wah

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