President Trump nominates 51 judges at once, enough to fill one-third of all court vacancies – IOTW Report

President Trump nominates 51 judges at once, enough to fill one-third of all court vacancies


In a sweeping move to further influence federal courts with conservative picks, President Trump on Wednesday renominated 51 judges who saw no action in the last Congress.

The list showed 37 nominees to district courts, nine to circuit courts, two each to the International Trade and Federal Claims courts, and one to the Military Commission Review.

One, Naomi Rao, was picked to replace the opening left when federal appeals court Judge Brett Kavanaugh won a seat on the Supreme Court.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham said in a statement, “I truly appreciate the prompt attention President Trump and his White House team have shown to judicial nominations. I also appreciate the list of 51 impressive judicial nominations to fulfill the Senate’s constitutional role in advice and consent.” He added that his panel will try to “confirm as many as possible, as soon as possible.”

The president is already on a historic pace to change the courts and fill vacancies with conservative picks. According to one tally, he has put 30 judges on the United States courts of appeals and 53 judges for the United States district courts.


He has also filled two Supreme Court vacancies.

Should the Senate move quickly to approve his picks, as it has done so far, the 51 picks would fill one-third of the 146 vacancies.

The list:


12 Comments on President Trump nominates 51 judges at once, enough to fill one-third of all court vacancies

  1. How many nominees were endorsed by schumer and pelosi?
    Or am I to believe that all the nominees are indeed conservatives as mentioned in the Washington Examiner article?

  2. That’s one hell of a lot of judges. One hundred forty six *vacant* judgeships….?

    That seems like one teacher for every nine students. One judge for every nineteen families in America….. too much crime and litigation. ……Lady in Red

  3. While they battle to have a state of the union address or not, Trump is packing the court with our people.

    That’s the most important victory of them all.

    Imagine if it were reversed and the Republican House tried to make petty gains while Hillary was appointing all of her people, how would you feel then?

    Not too good!


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