President Trump orders withdrawal of US troops from Somalia – IOTW Report

President Trump orders withdrawal of US troops from Somalia

Geller Report:

Beautiful. Bless Trump. Get our boys and girls out of that violent shithole.

Trump orders withdrawal of US troops from Somalia

US President Donald Trump has ordered the withdrawal of nearly all US troops from Somalia by 15 January, the Pentagon has said.

By: BBC, December 5, 2020:

The US has about 700 troops in the country helping local forces battle al-Shabab and Islamic State militants.

US officials said some of the troops would move to neighbouring countries, allowing for cross-border operations.

In recent months President Trump has issued similar orders to reduce US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

He has long called for US troops to come home and has criticised US military interventions for being costly and ineffective.


14 Comments on President Trump orders withdrawal of US troops from Somalia

  1. That will piss off the war mongers. War is big business, check and see who has stock in defense companies.

    Here’s $250 Billion in just 5 companies.
    Lockheed Martin $53B
    Boeing $101B
    Northrop Grumman $30B
    Raytheon $27B
    General Dynamics $36B,

  2. We should’ve never been there in the first place and especially after the Black Hawk Down incident in the 90’s during the Clinton Administration. And all the Somalis need to return to their 3rd world shithole and not try to make our country a shithole like what they left behind.

  3. Seeing as how the Chinese & Russians are INVADING, the moment SlowJoe bumbles through the oath of office, we’ll need ALL out troops HERE, to defend the country! 😮 😮 😮

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