President Trump pays tribute to John Lewis – IOTW Report

President Trump pays tribute to John Lewis

FOX: After staying silent Saturday morning as other tributes came pouring in, President Trump tweeted condolences for the late Rep. John Lewis in the afternoon and called him a “civil rights hero.”

“Saddened to hear the news of civil rights hero John Lewis passing. Melania and I send our prayers to he and his family,” Trump tweeted shortly after 2 p.m. after he left Trump National Golf Club in Virginia. more

14 Comments on President Trump pays tribute to John Lewis

  1. Countdown to the left having a fit about Trump and prayers. After all, that breaks the freedom from religion (ignore any prayers sent from democrats, as those are perfectly fine).

  2. Trump is a better person than I am because personally I’m glad Lewis is gone.

    In the batter’s box: Ilhan Omar, Ocrasyo Whoretez, Mad-Maxine, The dumb ass who thought Guam might tip-over, Al Green with envy…and any other Democrat or Republican anti-American useless eater I forgot to mention.

    May they all rot.

  3. President Trump is being politically correct. Lewis was a close compatriot of Martin L. King, noted communist, philanderer, and plagiarist. It would be nice if someone dared to mention these well established traits once in awhile.

  4. The only fitting tribute for this corrupt, racist, America hating piece of shit John Lewis is to pass a law that going forward all toilets manufactured or sold in this country must have his picture stamped on the bottom of the bowl.

  5. My only beef is with the flag.

    It’s been at half mast since jug ears was in office.

    Sick of it. I don’t give a rats ass who dies next. I’m not lowering any more flags….and in fact may drive around and raise some.


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