President Trump: Pelosi ‘Wants Open Borders’ And ‘Doesn’t Mind Human Trafficking’ – IOTW Report

President Trump: Pelosi ‘Wants Open Borders’ And ‘Doesn’t Mind Human Trafficking’


DC: President Donald Trump criticized Nancy Pelosi’s negotiating style as “rigid” and accused the House speaker of refusing to fund his proposed border barrier simply to “win a political point.”

During an interview with CBS’s Margaret Brennan which aired Sunday morning on “Face the Nation,” Trump responded to a question about what he has learned about negotiating with the House speaker by accusing Pelosi of wanting “open borders” and being indifferent to “human trafficking” even though she knows the United States needs border security and some sort of border barrier.


17 Comments on President Trump: Pelosi ‘Wants Open Borders’ And ‘Doesn’t Mind Human Trafficking’

  1. Drudge is reporting a Gallup poll that shows a large majority of Americans on the Democrat side of the immigration issue.

    Large enough that it would have to be containing a good percentage of Republicans and other conservatives.

    Trump should have probably pushed the border wall and his other immigration measures during his first two years when the Republicans controlled Congress instead of waiting till the Democrats retook the house. It seems to be a real uphill battle now, and if the Democrats manage to select a good candidate (which IMO is unlikely) and a third party is kept out of it he will be very hard pressed to win reelection in 2020. IMO.

  2. Instead of this, National “news” is focusing on Trump saying that he will keep troops in Iraq to “watch” Iran. They checked with Iraq which said he didn’t “have permission” to watch Iran.

    OMG the media are so obtuse it is frightening.

  3. Nor is Pelosi concerned about the Murder, rape and theft perpetrated against US citizens by illegal aliens, yet she is speaker in the People’s House.
    She doesn’t speak for the people, she speaks for obstruction to protect Americans.

  4. “… a large majority of Americans on the Democrat side of the immigration issue.”

    Yeah, I doubt that.

    ‘the blue wave that actually happened as the Democrats retook the House in the last election.’

    Don’t they ALWAYS poll on behalf of the left, though? lol.

  5. OK, I’m convinced.

    Always, and I mean ALWAYS, underestimate the enemy and his strength.

    It’s the only way to win a war, as the French proved with the Maginot line.

    People, the ones that want to actually win anyway, should read The Art of War. It applies to every win/lose situation, not just armed combat.

  6. Polls are used by mostly the left to influence the vote of the feeble minded fence sitters. Apparently works on some folks who would rather have the satisfaction of voting for the winner than voting their beliefs.


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