President Trump Prepares to Unleash Wilbur Ross on Justin and Emmanuel – IOTW Report

President Trump Prepares to Unleash Wilbur Ross on Justin and Emmanuel

CTH: Emmanuel from France arrived in Canada two days ahead of the G7 so he could connect with Justin from Canada and plan a unified strategy against U.S. President Trump’s economic position. Not kidding, they really did. Like a plan. Serious. No Joke.

Individually they feel insecure, so Justin and Emmanuel formulated a plan to create an economic G6 unity effort to defend against Godzilla Trump. [Who remained in DC holding meetings with Shinzo Abe to talk about C-VID and North Korea] Yes, while Justin and Emmanuel were discussing how to throw whines and cheese at Trump, President Trump was planning how to defend the world from nuclear proliferation.

Then something funny happened. After deep talks about C-VID were settled, Godzilla Trump looked up and saw the two giggling kids trying to tie the string from the perched water bucket to the door handle.  more here


9 Comments on President Trump Prepares to Unleash Wilbur Ross on Justin and Emmanuel

  1. Where would those six countries be today without the USA? And we are still defending them today, at our expense,while they enjoy the free ride. Yet they still insist on cheating us on trade. Now they are conspiring against us to keep it going. Trade with yourselves G6 and defend yourselves too.

  2. I’m waiting to see how much fun it’ll be when he deals with Mexico. They’ve thumbed their noses and allowed this country to be invaded by low wage peasant workers along with the torrent of drugs destroying families throughout the states.
    Trump is about to give them a BIG bloody nose.

  3. here’s a little clue Trudy and Emmy, your way outclassed. Your going to lose so big time you guys will be hiding under a rock for the rest of your terms. You guys might as well lube up and bend over. The boss is coming to town.


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