President Trump Presents Medal of Freedom to The Great Lou Holtz – IOTW Report

President Trump Presents Medal of Freedom to The Great Lou Holtz

CTH: Smile, take a breath, take the lead from our president and enjoy the moment.

All images from White House Flickr. Public Domain.

8 Comments on President Trump Presents Medal of Freedom to The Great Lou Holtz

  1. I’m not on board with a football coach, or an entertainer, receiving something as prestigious the “Medal of Freedom”. Seems to me it’s been cheapened. It should be recognizing personal sacrifice for the better of the country instead of guys like Holtz that are simply chasing the biggest paycheck they can negotiate. Not impressed.

  2. @Joe6pak – I agree.

    We are NOT exactly talking about Lou Gehring here…but hey that’s me…

    The thing is? The POTUS recognizes greatness and acheivement…in ANY category…like machine bolt precision engineering…I might think? :>O



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