President Trump Puts the Mullahs on Notice – IOTW Report

President Trump Puts the Mullahs on Notice


When President Trump appointed former CIA director Michael Pompeo to replace Rex W. Tillerson as secretary of state and former U.N. ambassador John Bolton as his new national security adviser, many pundits predicted that the Trump administration was serious in dealing with rogue states. B oth Bolton and Pompeo had advocated that Iran and North Korea change their behavior, or regime change would be on the table.

Many people believed that these appointments were a sign that President Trump is serious in dealing with dangerous actors.  Almost immediately, the Islamic Republic’s lobbyists started their propaganda machine and scare tactics, as they have done so often in the past twenty years (that war was imminent and Iranians should oppose Trumps appointments).  As for the Iranian people, while cautious, they are hoping that this time around, an American administration is serious and will stand on the side of the oppressed Iranian people as former President Ronald Reagan did with the Polish solidarity movement and all the former Soviet satellite countries.  more here

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