President Trump Rips James Comey’s ‘Rigged’ Hillary Investigation – IOTW Report

President Trump Rips James Comey’s ‘Rigged’ Hillary Investigation

Hannity: President Trump slammed the FBI’s investigation over Hillary Clinton’s private email server on Friday, blasting former director James Comey for “exonerating” the doomed Presidential nominee months “before the investigation was over.”

The President took a swipe at the former FBI boss on social media, calling-out Comey over a recent report that showed the bureau chief cleared Hillary Clinton of wrongdoing months before meeting her and other key witnesses in the case.

“Wow, looks like James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton long before the investigation was over…and so much more. A rigged system!” Trump tweeted.  more

23 Comments on President Trump Rips James Comey’s ‘Rigged’ Hillary Investigation

  1. Are we still pretending, at this late date, that our laws apply to our ‘betters’?

    This is a waste of time and effort.

    Until we are ready to apply the remedies grasped by the french peasantry as the only method that matters we are just jerking off.

    I suppose in the meantime it will suffice to generate thousands of hours of dialog on TV. And sell the associated amount of important commercial messaging.

  2. The Derp State must be beau coupe pissed off at all the info that keeps coming to light. How can they operate in darkness if people keep shinning light on them? Remember the big spot lights used for spotting enemy aircraft? We need them shinning on DC corruption and illuminating the guilty.

  3. “The Derp State must be beau coupe pissed off at all the info that keeps coming to light.”

    No, why would they be? To the contrary, all that has happened is harsh words on right wing websites.

    No one is being indicted. No one is being convicted. Congressional investigations go nowhere and almost no one has even lost their job.

    They are noticing this and rejoicing! The populace is too fuckin’ stupid and powerless to affect them. The sitting members of congress are complicit and the last segment to cause concern. Why would you think they are worried about anything?

  4. The bigger and mightier they think they are the harder they fall. When hellary, Slick Willie the democraps, barry etc. fall it will be of biblical proportions. Sort of like Haman when he built a gallows to hang Mordecai, Queen Esther’s uncle and protector of the Jews and it backfired on him and he was hung on those very gallows he built for Mordecai. Who knows, maybe, just maybe President Donald Trump was born for just such a time as this.

  5. Start ferreting out the slime o’buggar left behind. Bring in a squad of private detectives with no political involvement.Root all these beggars including those on your own staff. H.R. McMaster is such an imbed. He was a salesman for the Iran nuclear deal. He needs to be flushed!

  6. @joe6pak
    At times I think he’s like Trey Gowdy, all talk no action. Hate to say that but cant help how I feel. And what the hell is Sessions doing? Twiddling his thumbs?

  7. I’m Building A Happy Hill For Liberals … In Death Valley ! ” Comey-Hill ”
    The Memorial Where We Bury Them Together Alive Naked and Tied In The Missionary , So All They See Is Each Other !!!

    Donations For Silver Lined Coffin and Cobras Welcomed !

  8. It’s at times like this that I think Donald Trump doesn’t realize he’s the frickin PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and can take actions to BRING THESE TRAITORS TO JUSTICE.

  9. Trump is doing things I really support and appreciate. The appearance of not pursuing and prosecuting high level corruption is disappointing to say the least. Doesn’t he have a Department of Justice and an Attorney General that could be making some criminals lose some sleep at least?

  10. @ Lowell; in my mind this is going to have a cumulative affect. Sort of like a million dollars here and a million dollars there and pretty soon you are talking about serious money. A little light here and a little light there and pretty soon you are talking about serious exposure. This is my hope at least. I also hope the light gnaws at the back of their minds causing them some fear that will grow as the exposure continues.

  11. joe6pak
    I could be wrong. I was wrong ONCE before. House boat trip, fishing way up the Pit on Shasta. I said the houseboat was one way, they said the other. I still hear about it. Unusual for me because where ever I go, there I am.
    Trump comes across much like a Bull in a China Closet. That’s a defensive mechanism. The game he is actual playing is one of amazing finesse. Stop and look at the totality of what he’s fighting. This will be a long fight of slow building momentum. My theory why Bannon and Gorka are no longer there is because they ARE Bulls in the China shop. And they will be more effective with Breitbart. But someone needs to keep kicking Sessions in the ass.

  12. I hope like hell you are right Brad, I just can’t stand watching these corruptocrats marching around like they are still in power and have something to offer. I can’t tell you how frustrated I am with Sessions.

  13. My theory about Sessions is sooo ‘not good’ that I can’t share it in public at this point in time. Let’s just say he’s doing a lot of ‘busy work’–some good–but as days wear on I find myself trusting him less and less. I just really hope my theory is wrong. Time will tell….

  14. joe6pak

    What Trumps attempting to do has to be about a bazillion more time complicated than guys like you and I realize. I’m actually in awe. Consider NO political experience.

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