President Trump signs bill to eliminate rape kit testing backlog – IOTW Report

President Trump signs bill to eliminate rape kit testing backlog

TheHill- President Trump signed a bill Monday to help eliminate the number of rape kits that need testing and are currently stalled in a backlog.

The legislation will provide funding from the Department of Justice to help local governments get through the backlog of untested rape kits. Currently, there are more than 100,000 untested rape kits across the U.S., according to ABC News.

The White House said the Debbie Smith Reauthorization Act of 2019 will ensure that “criminals are brought to justice,” according to a statement from press secretary Stephanie Grisham

“We know that DNA is much more likely than fingerprints to result in the identification of a criminal, yet thousands of rape kits currently sit untested in labs and on police storage shelves across the Nation,” Grisham’s statement read. read more

11 Comments on President Trump signs bill to eliminate rape kit testing backlog

  1. Some of this is just because local authorities don’t care. It’s just extra work for the DAs’ and they can’t be bothered because if they lose a case it makes them look bad. Don’t believe it, just look at all the Antifa scum not being prosecuted or illegals being released right and left.
    Or the attacks on Trump supporters.

  2. …but why do we need ANY rape kits, since the Democrats have set the standard to ‘you have to believe women” for determining if a rape happened.

    …unless it’s a Democrat or a Democrat protected class being accused, of course.

    …so, all rapes are to be blamed on Trump going forwards…

  3. The funding was delayed, because your professional betters tried to use the bill it was originally in, to make it illegal to own a gun if a womxn said you made her feel icky. Ever.

    Rather than let your professional betters own that, Ivanka’s daddy came up with a deal. Now “your” money can be spent, and icky womxn feelz are your problem. All hail, King Cuck.

  4. The legislation will provide funding from the Department of Justice to help local governments get through the backlog of untested rape kits.

    Now you know why government, despite having all of our money, doesn’t get things done. They wait until the public screams, then demands more money to fix the problem they created.

    *The legislation will provide $151 million to the Debbie Smith DNA Backlog Grant Program, $12.5 million for DNA training and education programs, and $30 million for the Sexual Assault Forensic Exam Grant Program, ABC News reported.


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