President Trump Signs Defense Bill Creating Space Force — First New Military Branch Since 1947 – IOTW Report

President Trump Signs Defense Bill Creating Space Force — First New Military Branch Since 1947

Breitbart: ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MARYLAND — Flanked by two fighter jets and in front of a giant American flag, President Trump on Friday signed the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act that officially created the Space Force, the sixth and first new military branch since 1947.

“For the first time since Truman, we will create a brand new American military service,” Trump said. “You will witness the birth of the Space Force. That’s a big moment and we’re all here for it.”

“Space is the world’s newest warfighting domain,” Trump said. “American superiority in space is absolutely vital.”

The creation of the Space Force marked the achievement of one of the president’s top national priorities. The new branch will reside inside the Air Force.

The president thanked Vice President Mike Pence for his work in helping to establish the Space Force. Trump also announced the appointment of Air Force Gen. James Raymond as the new Space Force commander: “He will now join the Joint Chiefs.”

To mark the historic moment, the president signed the bill in a giant aircraft hangar at the Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland surrounded by an audience of young service members, Pentagon officials, and other distinguished guests.

One airman told Breitbart News it was a “historic moment” to watch the creation of the Space Force.

At the signing were members of Congress and the top civilian and military leaders in each military service.

The NDAA, a yearly bill that authorizes the Pentagon’s budget, also established a 3.5 percent pay raise for members of the military, the largest pay raise in a decade. read more

SNIP: Let’s make sure no one steals or sells our technology, shall we?
[Lookin’ at you, Democrats]

7 Comments on President Trump Signs Defense Bill Creating Space Force — First New Military Branch Since 1947

  1. It’s about time. Back in 1982 when the cold war was raging, President Reagan permitted the Pentagon to test the shooting down of satellites with conventional military jets. They built a special missile that was mounted to the ‘hardpoint’ of a F15 fighter jet. The pilot flew it to 35,000 feet altitude, released the missile and it hit the satellite dead center. The Space Force was born.



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