President Trump Signs EO on Transition of Troops Into Merchant Marines – IOTW Report

President Trump Signs EO on Transition of Troops Into Merchant Marines

Epoch Times: President Donald Trump signed an executive order on March 4 to aid the transition of active-duty service members and military veterans into the United States Merchant Marine.

Peter Navarro, assistant to the president and director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, told reporters in a conference call before the signing that one of the broad themes behind the order relates to the national security strategy of 2017—where economic security is national security.

The executive order has two clear benefits, according to Navarro.

The first is that it makes it easier for sea service veterans to find skill-specific jobs by waiving government-issued licensing fees. The second is that it credits military training in the National Maritime Center credentialing system. Navarro said these benefits incentivize experienced seaman to enter the Merchant Marine, sometimes referred to as the nation’s “fourth arm of defense.”

“Trump will always have the backs of veterans from their days in uniform to their years in the civilian workforce,” he said. “We’re working on many fronts to make sure that our veterans and their spouses are able to seamlessly transition into the civilian workforce in a way which provides them with good-paying jobs that benefit themselves and this country.”  more here

9 Comments on President Trump Signs EO on Transition of Troops Into Merchant Marines

  1. My son was looking at military academies a few years back and in doing so we came across the merchant marines. I was shocked at this place. A kid has to get the usual requirements for admission, but once they get out and get a job, they make a ton of money.

  2. Take the time to watch Humphrey Bogart & Raymond Massey in “Action in the North Atlantic” to see how these folks helped (understatement) in WW II. Black & white version is better than the colorized.

  3. I’ve known some guys that have worked on the lake freighters (great lakes). They make real good money and they are generally off during the winter months. But when you listen to their stories about riding out the storms and plus I’ve even seen some of the videos they’ve taken, its definitely not a job for the faint hearted. And they work hard for their money. They eat damn good too!

  4. This is great. There’s an old military saying: ‘amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics’. After Obama spent eight years trashing our armed forces it’s great to have a President who’s committed to building them back up again. Go Trump!


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