President Trump Signs Law To Honor 200th Anniversary of Frederick Douglass’ Birth – IOTW Report

President Trump Signs Law To Honor 200th Anniversary of Frederick Douglass’ Birth

CNS: Although completely ignored by the major news networks, President Donald Trump signed into law on Thursday legislation to establish the Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Commission, which will make plans to honor the 200th anniversary of the birth of Frederick Douglass (1818-1895), a slave who escaped to freedom and became a leading orator, abolitionist, writer, publisher, and statesman.

Douglass was a Republican who often criticized the slavery-supporting Democratic Party. “It is not true that the Republican Party has not endeavored to protect the negro in his right to vote,” said Douglass in an 1888 speech.  “The whole moral power of the party has been, from first to last, on the side of justice to the negro; and it has only been baffled, in its efforts to protect the negro in his vote, by the Democratic Party.”

 In a statement on Thursday, President Trump said, “Today, I am pleased to sign into law, H.R. 2989, the ‘Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Commission Act,’ which will create the Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Commission, which will be responsible for planning, developing, and carrying out activities to honor Frederick Douglass on the 200th anniversary of his birth.”

“Our Nation rightly honors the life of Mr. Douglass, a former slave who became an outstanding orator and a leader of the abolitionist movement,” said President Trump.  “I also welcome the participation of the members of the Congress in the valuable work the Commission will perform.”

“… All Americans have much to learn from the life and writings of Mr. Douglass,” said President Trump, “and I look forward to working with the Commission to celebrate the achievements of this great man.”  read more

14 Comments on President Trump Signs Law To Honor 200th Anniversary of Frederick Douglass’ Birth

  1. The point that the democrat party is the party of slavery, segregation and Jim Crow cannot be hammered upon enough. I caused a liberal’s head to explode factifying on this. He started out all accusatory with me when I pushed back. Pussy started shaking like a dog at the vet and he ran off defeated.

  2. Frederick Douglas … a truly admirable human being … sadly caricatured by what is today considered ‘history’ by the likes of Ken Burns
    good on you, President Trump

  3. The majority of black Americans are winning because of President Trump. They don’t yet have a clue, thanks to the poisonous lies of Maxine Waters/Congressional Black Caucus, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson, etc.

  4. Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and other similar black “leaders” don’t want blacks to win. They want blacks to stay on the plantation – these folks are the Samuel L. Jackson character in Django Unchained.

    Me, I want blacks to succeed because I’m greedy. I want them off the government dole thereby saving taxpayer dollars. I want them to sell things I want, invent things that are useful, and discover things that help me. I want them to clean up their neighborhoods and make them safe for me and others. If blacks win at the America game, I win too.

    There, I hope I made liberals feel better by letting them know I have an ulterior motive.

  5. The MSM does not care and will not report it because Douglas was a Republican. Hence the Progressive math equations:

    African American + Republican = Uncle Tom
    African American + Democrat = Diversity

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