President Trump strikes deal to make COVID-19 vaccine free at major pharmacies – IOTW Report

President Trump strikes deal to make COVID-19 vaccine free at major pharmacies


To maximize access to COVID-19 vaccines for all Americans, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today announced the U.S. government’s partnerships with large chain pharmacies and networks that represent independent pharmacies and regional chains. Through the partnership with pharmacy chains, this program covers approximately 60 percent of pharmacies throughout the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.  Through the partnerships with network administrators, independent pharmacies and regional chains will also be part of the federal pharmacy program, further increasing access to vaccine across the country—particularly in traditionally underserved areas.

“Ensuring access and affordability of the COVID-19 vaccine for all Americans is a top priority for the Trump Administration,” said HHS Secretary Alex Azar. “We are leveraging the existing private sector infrastructure to get safe and effective vaccines supported by Operation Warp Speed into communities and into arms as quickly as possible with no out-of-pocket costs. The vast majority of Americans live within five miles of a pharmacy, and our new agreement with pharmacy partners across America is a critical step toward making sure all Americans have access to safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines when they are available.” read more

16 Comments on President Trump strikes deal to make COVID-19 vaccine free at major pharmacies

  1. …can I get my Triple 6 tattoo for free too?

    ….yeah, riiiight there over the unibrow, ain’t no sense hiding it because God and the devil will both know its there, so may as well wear it proudly…/s

  2. My dilemma is my husband. He gets the flu shot every year and I never ever have…and I don’t get sick. This year he is really pushing me to get a flu shot cuz I’m mid-50s. I am a housewife and live a pretty isolated lifestyle. Of course I go out and shop and see friends but I spend a lot of time alone. I am resisting his coercion but eventually you come off as a tin foil hat person. I think he’ll really be all in for the COVID vaccine and I’m really going to seem like a nut job. He has to work and navigate not only Michigan’s edicts but also his Japanese-owned company is extremely fearful and cautious so I understand he has to deal with realities that I don’t and they’re a REAL pain. But I still don’t want the COVID shot

  3. erb.
    Just explain that you appreciate his concern, blah blah blah and then
    put your foot down and keep it there.

    Look, I’m 51, have type 1 diabetes and I don’t get the flu shot.
    I have actually told people when they bring up the flu shot that I’m not going to take one. And look them dead in the eyes when I say it. lol. I was told I have a ‘look’ when I’m serious about shit and people don’t ask again. LOL! My doctor won’t even ask me anymore.
    So, you find your own ‘look’, erb.

  4. Meanwhile my state governor just announced increased requirements to wear face mask in public buildings, and suspension of school winter sports, goes into effect at midnight.

  5. “The billionaire founder of Tesla and Space X recently took four COVID-19 tests.

    To his surprise, two of the tests came back positive while the other two came back negative.

    Elon Musk on Thursday night said he took four rapid coronavirus tests — with two negative results and as many positive readings. “Something extremely bogus is going on… ” .

    I think the same thing about the presidential election.

  6. Our gov said we need to hibernate for 2 more weeks…or else. So, yesterday I hopped a plane to AZ and am enjoying the hell outta the grandkids. I guess I gave him the one finger salute.


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