President Trump: Substantial Deal Made With China – IOTW Report

President Trump: Substantial Deal Made With China

OAN: President Trump says the U.S. and China have come to a “substantial deal” on trade. While meeting with the Chinese vice premier at the White House, the president said this is “phase one” of a bigger deal. He said “phase two” will be negotiated after the first deal is drafted.

China has reportedly agreed to $40 to $50 billion in agricultural goods purchases. President Trump said he expects a deal to be written and implemented in a matter of weeks, calling it a “fast and clean” process.

The president said a currency agreement may also be in the works. This would limit both countries from devaluing their currencies in order to gain an unfair competitive trade advantage. President Trump labeled China a “currency manipulator” earlier this year after Beijing reportedly lowered the value of the yuan. read more

6 Comments on President Trump: Substantial Deal Made With China

  1. I like Trump but he is not above suspicion or reproach either. I don’t like deals with the devil.

    This deal probably does not address the real issues of Chinese hostility, their thievery of our technology, hack attacks on our companies, and their threatening military. Their desire to dominate SE Asia is, or will be, a huge problem, on par with Japan’s similar plans in the 1930’s.

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