President Trump Surprises Jim Jordan in Ohio – IOTW Report

President Trump Surprises Jim Jordan in Ohio

CTH: Representative Jim Jordan is the no-nonsense personification of the ‘git-r-done’ spirit that runs through the scruffy and beloved heart of MAGA.  An authentic guiding spirit that cannot be faked, scripted or duplicated.  Ya’ either have it…. or ya’ don’t; it’s that simple.

In another example for the keen political instincts of President Trump; he can tell from the automatic vibe that jumped in the air when he said the name “Jim Jordan”; the President calls Jordan to the stage…. and another authentic MAGA moment happens spontaneously.

Remember, Jim Jordan said in an interview just a few weeks ago that he had never met President Trump, and had never personally talked to him.  However, when POTUS Trump senses the crowds response to the words “Jim Jordan” he immediately identifies the importance and value.   MORE

19 Comments on President Trump Surprises Jim Jordan in Ohio

  1. Oh yeah, get behind Jim Jordan Mr. President, we don’t want or need that idiot McCarthy, he’s just a shill for the swamp and a rather dull witted one at that.

  2. Trump just threw his son under the bus with a tweet this morning. That TT meeting was not legal. I’m starting to get concerned about Trump’s mental decline and decision making skills. I’m wondering if Trump is exaggerating his decline so that it can be his one and only defense — it’s a given he knew about them meetings.

  3. Also, I’m certain Mueller already knows what happened during that meeting and just has to be chuckling at this point. His investigation is probably miles ahead of what the media knows / has heard rumblings of. When the report comes out it’s going to be a sad day. Hope congress acts and the Republican Party can be saved somewhat. Scary times, folks. Should have voted for Jeb!

  4. Actually, JJ surprised Trump. Jim didn’t fly down to DC and then shamelessly hop aboard AF One and fly back to OH for photo ops. I would’ve preferred if Trump had endorsed Jim for SOH.

    Lawrence, is the Psych Ward nurse aware you’re down in the lobby typing on the Interwebz?

  5. The ‘dirt’ the demoncrats have been digging to find on President Trump is only digging a hole for their own demise.

    Despite what the left is trying to pound, force, or coerce America to believe, NOTHING will come close to the sins of the demoncrats’ cabal. The sins of obamination and his den of conspirators and HRC should be investigated, WITHOUT PREJUDICES, (the American way, contrary to the Mueller make-it-up-as-you-go-bunch method).

  6. “…the keen political instincts…” GARBAGE!
    (this guy is a good researcher/analyst, but he should leave it at that)

    It was just the perfect platform to promote not just the other politican who he endorsed, but also Jordan, who was on-stage.
    Best wishes for ALL involved.

  7. Hey Lawrence!!
    This is what Trump tweeted in 2017 so it kind of makes the text today a moot point since HE SAID IT BEFORE!

    Donald J. Trump

    Most politicians would have gone to a meeting like the one Don jr attended in order to get info on an opponent. That’s politics!
    9:07 AM – Jul 17, 2017

  8. @ Lawrence – We are all FRIENDS here, can I call you Larry??


    “They know the end is near but they’ll hang on to their hate and ignorance till the very end.”

    Laarrrrrry, go look up PROJECTION and then get back to me.

    YOU and YOUR ilk are done, yes be afraid, not bodily but MENTALLY. Your head WILL explode come Labor Day…


    @ Toenex – yes a very SLOW clap…



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