President Trump tells Allies He Will Not Support Former Soros-Funded Group’s Spokesman Tom Emmer for Speaker – IOTW Report

President Trump tells Allies He Will Not Support Former Soros-Funded Group’s Spokesman Tom Emmer for Speaker

Emmer will likely gain several Democrat votes.

The Minnesota RINO was formerly a paid spokesman for the George Soros funded organization The National Popular Vote initiative. more

GP: President Trump told close allies that he will not support House Whip Tom Emmer’s bid for Speaker of the House.

Emmer announced his intent to run for Speaker on Friday after GOP RINOs flatlined Jim Jordan’s bid for speaker in a secret vote. The weasels did not have enough balls to vote in public against Jordan knowing they would face primary challengers if they did.

Jim Jordan is the most popular Republican lawmakers in Washington DC. So the RINOs stabbed him in the back. more

10 Comments on President Trump tells Allies He Will Not Support Former Soros-Funded Group’s Spokesman Tom Emmer for Speaker

  1. Are local and state GOP organizations so desperate to get candidates that they don’t vet them? How can someone associated with Soros in any way be considered a Republican?

  2. Rsbo was right 25 years ago – “Bush Republicns are Democrats”!

    Over and over again leftist “Bush Republicans” prove Rush right! Tom is a life long GOP- “Bush Republican”. So natch he gets oney form Soros; as do/did: Baynor (Boehner), McCain, Romney, Ryan, Thune… naming just 5 of thousands! Rush may be dead; BUT HE IS STILL RIGHT!

  3. This man is a slime ball. He was my rep in MN and when he attended our primary meeting (the last one I did in MN), he came off as super elite scum. I don’t remember anything he did as our rep except to bloviate.

  4. Ever notice that all the GOP Speakers or “viable” Speakers come from blue states only now? Seriously, are republicans from CA, IL, or MN to be trusted? I don’t think so.


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