President Trump Throws Down Gauntlet on Trade at APEC CEO Summit Speech in Vietnam – IOTW Report

President Trump Throws Down Gauntlet on Trade at APEC CEO Summit Speech in Vietnam

Conservative Treehouse: President Donald Trump delivered an defiant opening speech at the 2017 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit in Da Nag, Vietnam earlier today. Speaking to an Asia-Pacific audience consisting of over 400 top corporate CEO’s, international leaders, and key heads-of-state from the region, President Trump outlined his expectation for trade relationships with ALL member states.

Trump began by walking through a list of the primary regional nations, praising each for their history and culture and then highlighting their modern success and advancement in economics and trade.  Then President Trump shifted to economics and national security; delivering a strong and deliberate message that the era of unfair trade practices, and one-sided trade deals, with the U.S. was over.


…”We can no longer tolerate these chronic trade abuses, and we will not tolerate them. […] that is why I am here today. […] The current trade imbalance is not acceptable. […] From this day forward, we will compete on a fair and equal basis. We are not going to let the United States be taken advantage of anymore.”…

Watch/Read transcript

11 Comments on President Trump Throws Down Gauntlet on Trade at APEC CEO Summit Speech in Vietnam

  1. He’s got to get his message to the people and not filtered through a hostile media and government personel who twist and bend his words to put him in the worst possible light. Twitter can do some of this but right now there is no media that is truly neutral (fox is starting a slow shift toward the left under the direction of Murdochs kids) and that has to change. Where are these mythical big money conservatives? Why aren’t they buying one of the big four Media/Entertainment conglomorates? Hell, maybe I’ll start my own hedge fund where anyone can invest with the purpose of gaining enough capital to take over one of these big guys with the express purpose of taking the news group and making them into what a news group should be. You can even the play field and make money. Maybe the Koch brothers ought to stop shoveling money to PBS and do something that will have an actual positive impact on their country.

  2. BB — Unlike those celebrity-hugging, check-taking grifters who occupied the WH before him, POTUS Trump cannot spend his time globetrotting, taking in the sights and eating fancy food unless signing a Big Deal is part of the itinerary. Notice how he more-or-less under-girds every meeting with some kind of business deal?

    Love it!

  3. Imagine how USA would be economically if we didn’t support the rest of the world, through defense, trade imbalance, giving, etc.

    Germany, considered an economic powerhouse, has a per-capita income along the lines of USA’s lowest-income states. Same with pretty much all other countries that are considered to be economically strong.

  4. Trump treats the presidency and the United States with the respect and pride that should be afforded the worlds most powerful country. And it’s clear that during these foreign visits the hosts show that same respect to him.

  5. Trump is showing what a useless bunch of lightweight liberal incompetent gladhanders the bushes, obozo, and Clinton were. What a bunch of morons. Trump is the real deal and the Chinese see it as clearly as do Trump’s US supporters. Love how the Chinese made obozo exit out of the ass end of the airplane, along with the cargo and food carts. The Chinese know a dope when they see one.

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