President Trump To Shut Down PLO’s Washington Office – IOTW Report

President Trump To Shut Down PLO’s Washington Office

DC: The Trump administration is ordering the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to shutter its Washington, D.C., office in a bid to increase pressure on Palestinian leadership amid stalled peace talks.

“We have been notified by a US official of their decision to close the Palestinian mission to the US,” PLO Secretary General Saeb Erekat said in a statement Monday, according to Al-Jazeera.

The State Department confirmed the move Monday.

“We have permitted the PLO office to conduct operations that support the objective of achieving a lasting, comprehensive peace between Israelis and the Palestinians since the expiration of a previous waiver in November 2017,” the State Department said in a statement. “However, the PLO has not taken steps to advance the start of direct and meaningful negotiations with Israel.”  MORE

12 Comments on President Trump To Shut Down PLO’s Washington Office

  1. Trump can be funny, friendly, dopey, silly….. mean and tough?

    But, he never bluffs.

    America has been suckered along so many stupid foreign policy paths for so long this is going to be a chilling cold glass of water in the face for many of our allies — and enemies?
    …Lady in Red

    PS: Sit up, Chairman Kim!

  2. They get money.
    Big money.
    Do they build schools and hospitals and roads?
    Civilized things?
    They build tunnels under the border so they can launch sneak attacks on Israelis.
    Screw them.

  3. 1. Defund all UN councils supporting PA/PLO ✔️
    2. Defund White Helmets in Syria ✔️
    3. Defund annual US aid to PLO ✔️
    4. Close US PLO headquarters ✔️

    Keep trimming Trump. Pretty soon they’ll blow themselves up out of shear agony.


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