President Trump to Skip Super Bowl Interview with NBC – IOTW Report

President Trump to Skip Super Bowl Interview with NBC

OAN Newsroom:

President Trump will be out of the spotlight on game day as White House officials confirm he will not be doing a sit-down interview on Super Bowl Sunday.

According to the White House, the president denied an opportunity for an interview with NBC ahead of the network’s broadcast of the game.

His decision comes after months of feuding with the NFL for allowing players to protest police brutality by kneeling during the national anthem.

President Trump has repeatedly called the protests disrespectful to the American people and our military.

He has also been an outspoken critic of NBC, who he has labeled as “fake news.”

27 Comments on President Trump to Skip Super Bowl Interview with NBC

  1. If the NFL had a true leader, he would have read the player-thugs the riot act over a year ago. He could have said verbatim what Trump said about standing for our National Anthem at Tuesday’s SOTU.

    Trump shoved a huge truth-bomb straight up the asses of the NFL and I was standing and cheering him on!


  2. And the collective “media” STILL don’t realize that he’s at least 10x smarter than the lot of them. Why walk into an ambush mounted by savages?

    And another 100 TUs to Farm Wife! Hell, make it 1,000!

  3. NBC will be along shortly to claim they never even asked Trump for an interview. And it will probably be true, but nobody will believe them, which will make it even more satisfying.

  4. Rule Number Zero in today’s society:
    The Media presstitutes are NOT your friend.

    Corollary: the NFL as currently structured, is not your friend.

    Good for you, President Trump, for not speaking to either of them.

  5. I just call it the MFL…
    I want nothing to do with these over-paid, worthless, uneducated, uninformed, self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, no morals, dope-smoking, crotch-grabbing, leg-lifting-dog-peeing, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, short attention span, prima-donna thugs who can’t spell the word Constitution, but know everthing there is to know about so-called “Victimhood”!

  6. Hey, maybe they’ll interview that mental giant Jay-Z instead, since they fawned all over him for his disrespect to our President.
    Yeah. An ex-street thug drug dealer is to be revered now because he got successful rapping. Suck it, slime ball media.

  7. What would have been poetic justice would have been if Trump invited Linda McMann and Vinnie Mac to a private spot on Fox and give his presidential support to the XFL and urge all patriotic americans to dump the NFL in favor of american loving, flag respecting, and anthem-standing players.

    Anyone who needs a football fix until then can watch the awesome and hot ladies of the LFL who not only play the game better than their whiny pussy-hat wearing counterparts and they also have no problem showing their love of god, country, and nation…EVERY game!

    Check them out for free on youtube, if you love the game of football you will be impressed at what these women can do.

  8. Everyone in government who can’t be paid for appearing on tv should demand their “pay” go to a charity. Saint Jude’s Children’s Hospital would be my choice. The networks can afford it.

  9. Vietvet

    “If I wanted to see people with dirty knees, I’d sooner watch an outdoors porno video.”

    Dude, send me your email address. I’ll send you a couple. I was younger then, and they turned out pretty good.

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