President Trump Trolls Deep Staters Mercilessly During Joint Session – IOTW Report

President Trump Trolls Deep Staters Mercilessly During Joint Session

Gateway Pundit-

[…] Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was interrupted from reading her phone by President Trump when he called out Warren by her Trump-given nickname when he was talking about ending the war in Ukraine.

President Trump said, “You wanna keep it (the War in Ukraine) going for another five years? Yeah. Pocahontas says yes”.  Warren’s reaction to being singled out for wanting to keep the war going?  She started applauding.

A bizarre reaction for someone just made fun of by the President during a televised address broadcast seen around the world. MORE HERE

7 Comments on President Trump Trolls Deep Staters Mercilessly During Joint Session

  1. As if we needed another reason to despise the bastards. What a masterful performance on how to put on a shitshow in front of the world while being mocked to their face.

  2. See the picture of her clapping after Trump asks her if she wants to continue send billions of dollars to Ukraine. Her clapping means “Why yes, I do want to send more billions to Ukraine”.

    That is a very bad visual. People won’t like it. Even her demorat friends around her don’t look very pleased at her response.

    That picture will haunt her. Stupid Twit.


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