President Trump Tweets Mitt Romney Endorsement – IOTW Report

President Trump Tweets Mitt Romney Endorsement

Ugh. Did he have a choice?  Story here

19 Comments on President Trump Tweets Mitt Romney Endorsement

  1. Oh, horsepucky, Conservatives in Utah can’t find a rational alternative? I trust our President…but despite his business acumen, he’s still inexperienced with how sick and despicable DC truly is. Are there trustworthy people to help him clean out the sewer?

  2. Now all the media pigeons will be clucking, “How do you feel about being endorsed by Hitler?”

    Mitch, you’d better keep that oily, smiling snake away from anything important. Mittens views this Senate seat as a consolation prize, and the only way it is worth his while is if he’s the leader. Minority leader. All he really cares about is casting his vote for impeachment. Let us hope that Mitt is not finished ruining himself.

  3. Let’s hope this is another Luther Strange endorsement.

    I assume Mittens has the Utah Establishment sewn up. But Utah deserves better than a RINO who couldn’t even defeat a gay Muslim ineligible because he lacked two American parents.

  4. Must look at Mittens’s opponent (or plausible opponent). Mittens is … well … Mittens … probably not an evil sonofabitch as much as an amoral opportunist. Where the Clintons were willing (and did) kill their enemies and confidantes (who could, potentially, harm them) I don’t think (believe) that Mittens would stoop to murder. Corruption and Flim-Flam? Oh, Hell yeah, but not murder – so President Trump is correct in his endorsement (though it could be seen as “damning with faint praise”).

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. That I know is only one republican that running for senator in Utah.
    Romney is a RINO , I don’t like him. I hope that another republican run. But for now is Romney and another dem so pick your poison.

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