President Trump wants to freeze fuel economy standards and it’s the right thing to do – IOTW Report

President Trump wants to freeze fuel economy standards and it’s the right thing to do

The Hill:

The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed to freeze the ever-rising Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards at the current benchmark of 37 miles per gallon — suspending the increase to 51 miles that had been scheduled for 2025. 

And that’s a good thing. Indeed, it’s usually a good thing when administrative agencies flip through the federal register and find ways to root out inefficient redundancies and relieve regulatory burdens.

The Trump administration has not been shy about rolling back expensive federal regulations and mandates that have outlived their usefulness, so this proposal to freeze the market-distorting CAFE standards should not come as a surprise. But it should come as welcome relief to every American family shopping for a new car.

Federal CAFE standards are relics of President Gerald Ford’s response to oil and gas shortages, a leftover piece of President Jimmy Carter’s “malaise” that permeated the 1970s. They were part of Washington’s misguided attempt to ease the pain of high gasoline prices by requiring automobile manufacturers to meet designated fuel efficiencies averaged across their entire fleet of vehicles. 

Meeting those artificial averages, of course, raises manufacturing costs, which, as even the Obama Administration acknowledged, raises the retail price of the average car. Indeed, the Heritage Foundation estimates that CAFE standards raise car prices by $3,800 on average. 

Leave it to Washington to fight high gas prices by raising car prices. more

17 Comments on President Trump wants to freeze fuel economy standards and it’s the right thing to do

  1. Things heavily regulated by the feds cost more than things that aren’t. Every time. Besides, it’s almost physically impossible to achieve average numbers over 50 mpg. There are only a handful of cars that can get that mileage, only small to mid-size hybrids or diesels.

  2. “[Freezing] fuel economy standards…it’s the right thing to do.”
    No, it’s not. The right thing to do is eliminate govt-mandated fuel economy standards altogether. Let car and truck buyers decide for themselves what fuel consumption they want. Try “freedom” for a change.

  3. 51 MPG is a pipe dream anyhow, at least with the design of conventional cars. You’d have to be laying down flat with no windshield. If it was a real goal, everyone should be forced into motorcycles. I get 45 MPG riding like a goof and around 55 MPG if I baby it with a 803cc L-twin. Not to mention traffic jams would instantly be near non existent. I argue there would also be fewer traffic accidents since it’s more difficult to be distracted with stupid phones. Plus, you can get on a decent used motorcycle for $3800, which only covers the increase in car prices. Just don’t go anywhere in winter.

  4. Uncle Al for president 2024.
    Because – common sense.
    OTOH, the less mileage our vehicle gets, the higher the fuel prices will be as punishment.
    Because – liberal think.

  5. Unfortunately, even President Trump goes along with ethanol because of Iowa.
    These standards suck. At one time there were Malibu SS 396 and 454. Now a 1.4 L 4 with start stop.
    Eliminate the start stop technology and bring bac V6 and V8 engines instead of mini 4 with turbo.
    Eliminate CVT.

  6. :eyes 4 barrel carb on 390 block.:

    “hmmmm. Maybe……maybe I really am just burning up gallons of fuel for no damn reason at all.”

    “BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Man, I can’t even lie to myself.”

  7. Maybe he can cancel the ridiculous Tier 4 emissions standard for farm tractors and construction equipment. Does nothing, often a repair nightmare, and adds 5k+ to the purchase price of new equipment.


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