President Trump Welcomes 2017 NCAA Championship Alabama Crimson Tide to White House – IOTW Report

President Trump Welcomes 2017 NCAA Championship Alabama Crimson Tide to White House

Earlier today President Trump hosted the NCAA championship football team, Alabama Crimson Tide, to the White House. Attorney General Jeff Sessions was also present in the audience.  – CTH

17 Comments on President Trump Welcomes 2017 NCAA Championship Alabama Crimson Tide to White House

  1. Nice to hear a president who sounds like Joe citizen instead of a talking robot. And kudos to the team for showing up instead of boycotting like crybabies.

  2. Yup, me too Brad. Everything that’s happening is being controlled by the people that should be in jail. Talk about upside down. How Mueller and Weismann can be running an investigation is a crime all by itself. Those two have been nothing but corrupt since they got out of diapers. Today was the first time in a couple years that Levin had a show I could listen to for more than 3 minutes. I heard about an hour and a half, and he was good.


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