President Trump Will Reverse Obama’s Policy Of Prosecuting Unintentional Bird Killings – IOTW Report

President Trump Will Reverse Obama’s Policy Of Prosecuting Unintentional Bird Killings

Daily Caller: President Donald Trump’s administration will reverse a former President Barack Obama-era decision to prosecute individuals and companies that unintentionally injure or kill protected birds, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

Conservatives long criticized the Obama administration for selectively enforcing the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) to the benefit of politically favored industries, like wind and solar power producers.

The Obama administration issued an opinion just before leaving office in Jan. 2017 that criminalized the accidental taking of migratory birds. The Trump administration will move to reverse this order and only go after intentional killing or “taking” of birds.  read more

8 Comments on President Trump Will Reverse Obama’s Policy Of Prosecuting Unintentional Bird Killings

  1. I wish he would get rid of those stupid turbines. That wasn’t ever anything but a big political giveaway to general electric. They do massive damage to bird populations as many are positioned directly in the migratory flyways. They are nothing but eyesores.

  2. These giant mutant monstrosities particularly the ones alongside the N. side of I-90 going eastbound in Wash. state from the top of Ryegrass hill look like giants lumbering along down towards the Columbia river at Vantage. They also look like something out of an old Ray Harryhausen stop action animated movie that got loose and are out for a stroll destroying the countryside.

  3. It was the “selectivity” of the prosecutions that irked the politicians.

    The foolish wind scam (like the “solar”) is available to anyone politically connected who has no qualms about stealing from his countrymen.

    Why should anyone – any-fucking-one – be prosecuted for the actions of birds?
    The dumb fucks fly into my windows 4 or 5 times a year (not the same bird, of course) killing themselves. I tell em “Don’t fly into the windows!” but do they listen? Nooooooooo. It’s like trying to explain sound economics to the denizens of Detroit.

    izlamo delenda est …

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