President Trump Will Travel To Texas On Tuesday – IOTW Report

President Trump Will Travel To Texas On Tuesday

DC: President Donald Trump will travel to Texas Tuesday as parts of the state face historic flooding due to Hurricane Harvey.

“We are coordinating logistics with state and local officials, and once details are finalized, we will let you know. We continue to keep all of those affected in our thoughts and prayers,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Sunday.

17 Comments on President Trump Will Travel To Texas On Tuesday

  1. Trump committed all available resources to flood relief and will certainly be eviscerated for his efforts.

    Clinton flies to Miami in the aftermath of Andrew, hugs a woman, and is praised for his compassion.

  2. The national media is unable to maintain two false narratives at the same time. They are so invested in imaginary Nazi’s, they missed their chance to blame this storm on Trump. There is still time though…

  3. Thank you for your concern Mr. President but please bring your own PFD, boat and waders.
    We’re still dry but water is up to the front door sill. another half of an inch and I’ll be wading. Brother, about a mile away, is flooded but can’t get out. neither can we. We are the lucky ones. most of hou is underwater, 20′ deep in some spots. five deaths so far and many more haven’t been located yet. Emergency services completely overwhelmed but valiantly carrying on. Hard to attempt rescues when you can’t travel anywhere in town except by boat. And before someone starts squawking about no evac order. We tried that once in 05 during Rita. it was a unmitigated disaster. You cant put over 6 million people on the roadways. all you get is gridlock. mayor turner made the right call. All state, city an county officials on top of this one. it may well be one of the worst disasters ever to hit a major city but it sure as hell aint no Katrina screw up.

  4. @LBS, time travel much? They’ve been saying it since forever. “White Supremacist” equals “Trump hates black people”. It’s just libspeak that leaves you to do the math.

  5. After all the computers and training the NWS [National Weather Service] has, they really screwed the pooch on this one. Perhaps NWS is another agency we don’t need!

  6. @expat- actually, NWS hit it on the nose. But the forecast of 50″ of rain was so outrageous nobody believed them. And rightly, there were no evacuation orders. I and many others with extensive storm experiences had no intention of running from a cat 2 storm, I sat up and took notice when it hit cat 3 and had sphincter constriction when it hit cat 4. By then it was too late to run.
    there’s only so many people the freeways can hold. it takes three days to evacuate 7 or 8 million people from Houston and surrounding areas and that’s in a perfect case scenario. if somebody breaks down or runs out of gas you get gridlock like we had in 2005 with Rita. If mayor Turner had called for a evac
    thousands of people would have drowned in their cars and uscg would still be pulling survivors off of overpasses. nobody expected this, hence we didn’t react.

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