President Trump wins court ruling to redirect military funds to border wall – IOTW Report

President Trump wins court ruling to redirect military funds to border wall

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 12:40 PM PT – Saturday, December 5, 2020

A federal appeals court ruled in favor of the Trump administration to allow them to move forward with the border wall.

On Friday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted two-to-one that the President could divert more than $3.6 billion from military construction projects to fund the border wall in El Paso County, Texas.

The two judges who ruled in favor of the administration said opponents of the plan could not prove the move would harm them.

President Trump has consistently argued that the construction of the wall is necessary to mitigate the threat posed by illegal immigration. more

4 Comments on President Trump wins court ruling to redirect military funds to border wall

  1. I have introduced to, Ed Calderon, via youtube channel, Shawn Ryan, as well as Joe Rogan’s channel.
    The information this guy shares about Mexico, Cartels, and China will scare the pants off you, especially if you consider Trump may lose POTUS. Lord help us. Check out Ed Calderon who is quite candid, BTW, as well.


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