President Trump Wins SCOTUS Decision on Detainment and Deportation of Criminal Aliens – IOTW Report

President Trump Wins SCOTUS Decision on Detainment and Deportation of Criminal Aliens

CTH: The Supreme Court reversed a prior 9th Circuit Court ruling restricting when illegal aliens could be detained and deported.

The SCOTUS ruling (full pdf below) was in favor the Trump administration, allowing federal officials to detain and deport illegal aliens after they have served their time in the U.S. for other crimes regardless of whether they were picked up immediately or later, after criminal release.

The 9th Circuit Court previously stated ICE would have to detain illegal aliens immediately after release or they would be exempt from later detainment.  SCOTUS eliminated that restriction and affirmed detainment and deportation at any time after criminal release.  MORE

7 Comments on President Trump Wins SCOTUS Decision on Detainment and Deportation of Criminal Aliens

  1. Let me guess – the usual suspects?

    It’s little less than dumbfounding that this issue even wended its way through the courts – doesn’t “illegal” mean illegal?

    4 out of 9 “justices” need to be impeached and removed from the bench for illiteracy – along with a majority of the 9th Circuit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I read on drudge that there are a million illegals with final deportation orders in the US that haven’t yet been deported.

    Laws don’t mean a lot if they’re against a protected species.


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