President Trump’s Approval Soars During Bleak DNC – IOTW Report

President Trump’s Approval Soars During Bleak DNC

Geller Report: The usual convention polling bump is not going to Joe Biden. It’s actually going to President Trump. The Biden-Harris ticket is going to tank in the coming weeks. Rational Americans will not buy the insanity that the radical Dems are selling.

11 Comments on President Trump’s Approval Soars During Bleak DNC

  1. The True Believers will never be persuaded. We can only hope the middle pays attention long enough to make it to voting in whatever way, shape, manner, or form it takes.

  2. Turns out I have some pals who’s wives are total Libtards. A very high percentage of them school teachers. Those womenz all have the same complaint. Nobody knows what the Biden platform is because other than remove machine guns from the street, no policies were mentioned. I can’t imagine being married to a Liberal. Life’s to short.

  3. I dislike Carl Rove with a passion. The original fat bastard. But I agree with what he said about the Repub convention. Don’t mention Joe the retard. Focus on accomplishments and goals. Keep it all positive

  4. this is all so much horse shit … conventions have lost viewership since they took away the mystery of the nominee

    I thought it was hilarious when all the news medias kept showing the convention center in Milwaukee (or whatever it was) as if there were actual people rallying in there … it was nothing but a 4-night fake infomercial

    I’m hoping the RNC has something better than that … just coming out & doing the Sham-Wow commercial … geared to us … would be immensely better

    the media socksuckers are all going full orgasm on Biden’s ‘speech’ (still ain’t convinced it wasn’t a heavily edited video) … no matter what the repubs put on (puppies, rainbows, unicorns) the media will go full-tilt ‘hateful, homophobic, xenophobic racist’ on it

    it all comes down to, I trust PDT’s instincts on this. he’s the ultimate showman & the power we need in these times to lead us in this war on our United States

  5. Somebody pulled that 53% out of their tailpipe. The true number is 0.053. I would not watch it, the show. would gag a maggot. Not even Bath house Barry could AID them.

  6. The Dims are scaring the crap out of the remaining sane people in this country. It will result in a massive Trump victory. The best strategy is for the Republicans to be positive and celebrate the greatness of America in all its shade of colors. Optimism sells much better than pessimism.

  7. S&P just hit another all-time record today. Great close for a Friday, too.

    I’m thinking POTUS Trump is thinking WAY past the election. He knows that the next term is the ball game. No do-overs. I can’t wait to see what’s up his sleeve.

    To misquote Bette Davis, “Fasten your seatbelts it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”

    Or, “Keep your hat on. We could end up miles from here.” ~K. Vonnegut


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