Rally Time! Tonight President Trump travels to Cincinnati, Ohio, for a MAGA rally at U.S. Bank Arena. The President is expected to deliver remarks at 7:00pm EDT with pre-rally events and speakers ongoing.
All links are found at Conservative Treehouse.

I don’t pay lots of attensh to straight laced Pence, but he is rather bouncy tonight! 😀
Good for Pence. Keep pounding those socialist bastards!
(Whispers)* “Send her back” 🙂
This is Loco reporting for WKRP…
Hello Cincinatti!
@Loco – And the Dem debate was like throwing live turkeys from a helicopter.
…Cincinnati DOES have a Democrat Mayor, who’s constantly afraid for his job because he’s not Black. I’m actually surprised that CPD actually DID anything at his rally, because Sanctuary Cincinnati has given their police stand-down orders BEFORE. They let Black rioters beat White people just driving down the street until the County Sheriff stepped in to stop it.
…wouldn’t be surprised if Craven Cranley doesn’t allow the same to happen to Deploables tonight, but there may be a, uh, surprise for Antifa types if they DO, and NOT from the Police, either…
F4UCorsair AUGUST 1, 2019 AT 7:51 PM
“@Loco – And the Dem debate was like throwing live turkeys from a helicopter.”
“As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!”
…not sure why he gave a shout-out to Rob Portman..he’s a super-squishy RINO that did a 180 on gay “marriage” when his OWN kid turned out to be light in the loafers…
…although Pence showed a yellow streak on gays when the Gaystapo came for HIM in Indiana too, so guess President Trump is USED to that…
That’s “future president, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin” Mr. President…
Trump rallies are awesome. Tens of millions of Americans are so grateful the Obama-Clinton plan to irreversibly destroy America through corruption, was defeated.
…giving DeWine props is kind of silly, too. DeWine is as GOP-E as they come, but Ohio’s NEVER had a Repulican Governor, just a bunch of Democrats who PRETEND to be (Kasich, looking at YOU…)
…and look at THIS tripe for the Cincinnati Enquirer, a newspaper that was acquired by Gannett, and then turned so Democrat that even Pravda says, “Damn, guys, back it down a notch”…
“On Thursday, the eyes of the nation will be on Cincinnati when President Donald Trump takes the stage at U.S. Bank Arena for his seventh visit to the region since announcing his presidential candidacy in 2015. Pundits will be watching and waiting for chants of “send them/her back” or some other trope that can be deemed offensive to prove a point and paint our city, state and the Midwest in a negative light.
Don’t take the bait. We’re asking you, Mr. President, your supporters and your detractors to set a new example for presidential visits. Setting an example not only includes people at the rally or protesting it, but those commenting about it on social media. Let’s do our part to dignify the debate about how best to improve our nation and the lives of all Americans. Perhaps if we can show the way, the rest of the country might follow suit.”
…and THIS as Democrats were on a national stage, cursing and calling the President of the United States the most horrible names EVER, with the birdpaper not giving THEM a single column-inch of opprobrium…
..funny that Democrat “civility” is ALWAYS a one-way street…
…I wonder if John Boehner, our own West Chester Weeper, has his legendary tears rolling down the Obama’s butt-shaped dimples on his spray-tan cheeks as he watches this on his big-screen TV in the mansion that his treason paid for, and realises he backed the wrong horse…
Fox is really pissing me off! they break away from Trump at the top of the hour, for 15 minutes, to comment about the D’rat debate …. which they’ve done all freakin’ day!
then go back to PDT for another 15 minutes & then start their ‘we promised you commentary about the D’rat debate … right after this commercial’
…. ‘click’
..the President is right about improvements to the VA hospital. The one here used to be pretty horrid when I was taking patients there (in the Clinton years), but it came up in the world after Hopey Changey got the boot and a REAL President took office.
…ain’t perfect, but until Jesus takes over, nothing will be. The President is doing what a Man can do, however, a Man that actually CARES, that is…
…I’m watching on Fox 19 in Cincinnati, @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, and they are having uninterrupted coverage, so it must be your local affiliate…
“You Can’t Always Get What You Want” for his exit song?!?
“I saw her today at the reception
In her glass was a bleeding man
She was practiced at the art of deception
Well I could tell by her blood-stained hands
You can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need
You can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need”
-“You Can’t Always Get What You Want”, The Rolling Stones
I have tickets to the Trump rally in Manchester, NH on the 15th!!!!!!!
Fox News is deplorable in its coverage — who wants to hear talking heads when you want the real thing? C-SPAN offers uninterrupted coverage- no talking heads and no commercials during the Trump rallies.
Heard Governor Matt Bevin speak during the NRA Convention in Indianapolis this year — he was dynamite!
Beachmom Awesome! Have fun and take lots of pictures! 😀
Watch it on YouTube!! Free live streams. No interruptions, cancel cable!!