President Trump’s Plan to Rip the Panda Mask From The Chinese Red Dragon – IOTW Report

President Trump’s Plan to Rip the Panda Mask From The Chinese Red Dragon

CTH: Author of “The Coming Collapse of China”, Gordon Chang, discusses the effect of President Trump’s tariffs on China and the epic battle ahead.  Last night China announced their feeble retaliatory actions – SEE HERE.  A professionally nervous Maria Bartiromo, frames a series of questions from the perspective of Wall Street.

Fortunately Gordon Chang understands the Red Dragon, and more importantly understands Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping’s geopolitical goals through economic conquest. Mr. Chang is one of the few people who appear regularly in media and know the truth behind the Panda Mask. Watch

12 Comments on President Trump’s Plan to Rip the Panda Mask From The Chinese Red Dragon

  1. I am too ill-educated on economic matters to know if Sundance is right or wrong, but the man is damn persuasive. Rumor has it Sundance runs a 7-11 mart in Florida, by day. No one knows….

    I just wonder: who is this masked man? …..Lady in Red

  2. In general, ppl are misinformed about how trade works. e.g., watching the recent House/Senate hrgs of RINOs grilling Ross & Lighthizer, the tiresome pleas, “what about the poor farmers in my district, they’ll suffer from China’s retaliation as a result of Trumps tariffs”, i.e., they’ll never vote Trump again.

    No one ever poses the q how many family farms exist anymore. Most farming in this country is conglomerate controlled by Monsanto/ConAgra/Cargill. The independent family farm isn’t threatened by China so much as the enemy within, Big Ag that’s destroyed family farms. Congress is owned by lobbyists for Big Ag.

  3. @Bad_ Brad March 24, 2018 at 11:36 am

    > Not to mention it’s been reported for at least ten years now, China can’t produce enough food to feed it self.

    An expansionist, nuclear power. With famine and it’s concomitant political “unhappiness” at home. Why, whoever could be propping such an enemy up? Against “their” own(ed) people?

  4. Got as far as the first sentence of the linked article. Anyone stupid enough to use the phrase “intellectual property theft,” except to ridicule people stupid enough to use the phrase “intellectual property theft,” is too stupid to hold David Hogg’s pussy hat. While he explains it, this, and everyting to us.

  5. @Bad_Brad March 24, 2018 at 12:43 pm

    I note that you asked a question about something that wasn’t in my comment. Just a deceptive rephrasing with words that were. Either you’re bright enough to know the answer, or don’t understand what you’re asking.

    So, try this one out:
    If Master Hogg has some of his associates break into your house, looking for scary black guns. And he finds some. So he pulls out his a portable MRI, and a laptop, scans one, no ALL, your scary black guns. And he goes home, stacks up his own billets of (substandard Chinese) “steel”, loads up his 3d printer, sets up his CNC machinery, hooks up his laptop, and cranks out a few knock offs of your scary black guns, for his associates, will your residential insurance cover the loss of your scary black gun? The one he left right where he scanned it.

    Or, the far, far more likely question:
    If he bought one scary black gun from you, and then scanned it in the comfort of his Mom’s basement, will your business insurance pay you for loss of the gun he bought?

    Or are we letting Whoopie Goldberg define “theft theft”?

  6. Sorry I’m not sorry

    No no. It not just patent infringement rights. You are over simplifying what’s taking place. It’s partly patent infringment but an even bigger chunk is the stuff covered under an NDA. Specialized processes, etc, that are key to building certain product. I’ll give you a good example. Back in the 80’s and 90’s Semi Conductor Capital equipment guys drove the economy in the Silicon valley. Every one of them delivering to Intel. PVD Technology. Nobody really knew why some of the technology worked so Intel came up with a spec called “Copy Exact”. Meaning if I’m a vendor I need to exactly duplicate my process to deliver my final product. Right down to the same machine, coolant, tooling, chemical comp of the material. Well China come over here and starts back door purchases of large vendors for the sole purpose of copying the processes. Where’s the insurance companies now? And by the way they own that tech now.

  7. @Bad_Brad March 24, 2018 at 1:32 pm

    So, they didn’t buy a Big Mac, and make their own version (bad? copy) of the Special Sauce. They liked it so much, they bought a McDonald’s franchise, an entire chain of McDonald’s franchises, complete with recipe. And then (sorry, “Dude, Where’s My Car?” soundbite: “and den…”) made their own sauce? With their own ingredients? In their own kitchens? Stirred by their own slave labor? Those bastards! (Sorry, “Those thieving bastards!”)

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