Presidential Debate Commission Will Mute Mics During Final Debate – IOTW Report

Presidential Debate Commission Will Mute Mics During Final Debate

CTH: In yet another transparent effort to support Joe Biden, the presidential debate commission has announced they will mute microphones during the two minute answer sessions as part of a strategy to assist the promotion of disinformation.

(Via New York Post) The Commission on Presidential Debates has decided to mute microphones to allow each candidate the opportunity for uninterrupted remarks during this week’s final forum.

The mute button will be featured at the start of each 15-minute segment during opening comments, according to the commission. After that time, both mics will be turned on without a mute option to enable debate. (read more)

The Trump campaign responds:

18 Comments on Presidential Debate Commission Will Mute Mics During Final Debate

  1. Check out the “Transition Integrity Project” if you want a look into their plans post election. Violence is assured along with democrat states sending their own hand picked electors for the electoral college vote.
    Things are looking ugly.

  2. This should put the knife in the Presidential Debate Commission once and for all. Seriously who the fuck died and made them boss?

    I’ve been rolling my eyes every 4 years when the “moderators” are picked and gosh, they’re ALWAYS left wing plants.

    You would have thought Candy Crowley’s over the fucking top bullshit would have germinated a spine on our side but no, business as usual.

    But cutting off either candidate should do it. We’ll see I guess

  3. @Answerman Cooper, BRAVO! PDJT has not disappointed me yet!

    @Corky, that’s a very clever idea!

    Personally, I pictured the President defiantly folding his arms in front of himself and when he gets a chance to speak (they must let him say something!) then he can justly proclaim this a worthless and FAKE DEBATE.
    Just as he has permanently identified, for all to see, the Fake Media.

    Imagine any and all prior GOP candidates (excluding Reagan the Great). They would be chafing in their panties– they would’ve caved-in prior to the public even hearing about any disputes.

  4. Are they also going to mute the mike Joe gets all his answers from. President Trumos should set up electrical interference on the same frequency Joe’s earpiece functions on. There is no doubt that Joe could stand up to the stresses required by that office. That is Dr, Ronny Jackson’s opinion, not mine.

  5. President Trump’s voice carries well. Even when his moc is muted, he’ll still drown out Joe, because the moderator’s mic will pick up his voice, unless she has a mute button to kill he mic as well.


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