Presidential expert Stormy Daniels says Trump is in ‘over his head’ – IOTW Report

Presidential expert Stormy Daniels says Trump is in ‘over his head’

American Thinker: How silly has Trump Derangement Syndrome gotten?  This silly.


Stormy Daniels, the porn star who allegedly received hush money from President Donald Trump after reportedly having an affair in 2006, didn’t vote for him nor does she think he’s capable of doing his job.

“I think he’s a man who’s gotten in over his head,” Daniels said on Monday’s broadcast of the British talk show “Loose Women.”

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, appeared on the program to explain why she was a surprise no-show on “Celebrity Big Brother” outside of London last week.  But the conversation quickly turned to Trump and the scandal that has dogged his presidency.

Despite receiving hate mail and threats, Daniels said that in the future, she hopes it “becomes known that I am not a liar, that maybe some other women will continue to come up to me and say that I changed their lives in a positive way by not being afraid.”

No doubt presidential scholars will be inspired by the depth and breadth of the porn star’s analysis of Trump’s abilities. MORE

SNIP:  But for now, strange men pay a cover charge to watch her display her own abilititties.

15 Comments on Presidential expert Stormy Daniels says Trump is in ‘over his head’

  1. “But for now, strange men pay a cover charge to watch her display her own abilititties.”

    Those abilities have a shelf life that expired several years ago. Part of her problem.

  2. This going to help prostitutes how exactly?

    Her inability to shut her dick garage has already damaged the whore community.

    Johns depend on their discretion. Her fellow streetwalkers have lost untold ones and fives as a result of her violating The Cocksucker Code.

    Her Cinemax psychiatric diagnosis notwithstanding, I value her ability to judge whether he is in over his knuckles more than an estimation of his mental capacity from someone who hasn’t seen him in a decade.

  3. For decades, the CHAMPION of the democrat party was Bill Clinton, A RAPIST.

    Today, their preferred spokeswoman is a porn ‘star’ prostitute, who took money to shut up and even broke that agreement. But they stand by her ‘character’ and her stature. (!!!)

    So basically, the democrats remain decadent, evil and worthy of shunning like lepers. Every single one of them, whether it’s an Antifa barbarian or Hillary who deems herself born to be your ruler.

  4. You know, pre-Bill Clinton, I was pretty upset with the idea of a US president who had cheated on his wife. I was young and idealistic.

    What the Clintons taught me was that it doesn’t matter and, in fact, a president can have committed multiple, *blatant* marital infidelities without political consequence. (Hell, that bastard was impeached and it didn’t matter!) Clinton lowered the bar drastically and now I just don’t care.

    Still not tired of winning!


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