Press 1 for Spanish, Press 2 for English. – IOTW Report

Press 1 for Spanish, Press 2 for English.

DMF: They are taught to believe the US stole Mexican land. It’s called the Reconquista.


They believe in a fairytale of a magical Aztecan land called Aztlan. They’ve been pumped full of this garbage by a fascist named Jose Vasconcelos who was in charge of culture and education after the revolution. Vasconcelos called for the extermination of Anglos and capitalism.

Their goal is to populate the SW states, drain the US of its resources through welfare, and then reclaim it for Mexico through violent uprising.

mas aqui

18 Comments on Press 1 for Spanish, Press 2 for English.

  1. They have a nice warm country that borders the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico with plenty of natural resources.
    They have their heritage and the only place in the world that produces tequila.

    Fuck an a you assholes, clean house and you have your own paradise.
    Shit, the USA would likely pay for it.
    Hell, we already are with all the money you send back.
    And what fucking good does it do?
    Goddamn, Goddamn!!!

  2. All they would accomplish would be to create another Mexico, and another Mexico is at least one too many. The world does not need another Third World shithole, no matter how badly the Mexican infiltrators want to create one.

  3. …and yet: Diogenes is
    hard AGAINST Trump.

    She can b!tch all she wants…

    Creo que NO.

  4. Unruly,

    1) her name is at the bottom of the article, so I assume she wrote it.
    2) if you had been over at that site and seen more of the articles, you’d know better.

  5. Excuse me, Czar! I’m not HARD against Trump. But unlike many here I don’t take everything on face value that a Pro-Trump or Pro Cruz website post. Especially the one you link to constantly!

    Don’t judge me because I don’t buy into your “Trump can do no wrong” derangement. I see flaws in both Trump and Cruz,, but will vote for whoever can keep Hillary out of the WH.

  6. Czar, I don’t have a problem with any of the stories on Diogenes’ site. And I really like the pictures too!

    If you read more of her comments you would know that she is not hard-core Cruz, the way you are hard-core Trump.

    So phllluuuuhhhhhhhhhhhublubblubblubbb!!! lol

    Don’t work yourself all up to a stoke, bloke. Cut some slack, Jack.

  7. Enough of the projection and hyperbole, Diogenes.

    Fine, you say you’re “moderate.”
    So. Am. I.
    (Trump can do no wrong”…PHHHT!)

  8. But nobody ever asks, who did THEY steal the land from? Why is their claim to the southwest more valid than ours? Anasazi and Folsom lives don’t matter?

    We conquered all of Mexico in 1840, then gave it back to them, apparently a big mistake. They would have been infinitely better off as the remaining 7 states of the US

  9. The area was a colony of Spain until 1821. After the war for independence the area became known as Mexico.
    The United States was already established by that time.
    They lost 1/3 of their Northern Territory in the Mexican-American war, 1846-1848. Then they had a revolution in 1910 and in 1917 adopted the constitution that they are governed by to this day.
    I know the question is rhetorical, but at what point in the past do they want to go back to?

  10. Yeah, their land was stolen, before the improvements. That’s all they want, the improvements, because their land is such a shit hole I wonder what this place would be like had we not stolen it?

  11. Exactly Old Oaks, the “land” is just dirt. And dirt’s not worth anything. It’s what we’ve done with our labor and improvements that’s made the United States better than the third world sh*holes that everyone wants to leave.

    Obama says that the illegals are “our nations future”. Why aren’t they the future of their own damn country?

  12. Ingrate Beaners.
    Look at all the shithole towns on the Mexico side of the border.
    THAT is what they would do with US land.
    They would all be living in mud huts if not for US money.

  13. “Get ready to start hearing from the media about how presidential he [TRUMP] is, at least until the next rally where he pulls down his pants, waves his dick around, and the crap gets beat out of someone.” – “Moderate” Diogenes

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