Pressure mounts for Rep. Esty(CT-D) to resign over violent abuse accusations against top staffer – IOTW Report

Pressure mounts for Rep. Esty(CT-D) to resign over violent abuse accusations against top staffer

FOX: The pressure on Connecticut Rep. Elizabeth Esty to resign over her handling of harassment and abuse claims against a top staffer mounted this weekend, with fellow Democrats calling on her to leave office.

The three-term House member has been under fire since Thursday, following reports in The Connecticut Post and the Washington Post that state Esty allowed a chief of staff to remain employed despite knowledge of allegations that he physically harmed and threatened to “kill” another staffer.

According to the allegations, then-Chief of Staff Tony Baker called a female staffer with whom he had a romantic relationship nearly 50 times on May 5, 2016, and once punched the woman while in Esty’s Washington office.

In addition, the woman, Anna Kain, provided a voicemail tape to The Washington Post in which Baker purportedly said: “You better f—–g reply to me or I will f—–g kill you.”

Esty reportedly became aware of the situation within a week but met with lawyers instead of firing Baker. She acknowledged that she did not adequately protect Kain, has vowed to “do better” and has apologized but says she would not resign.

On Saturday, Connecticut Senate President Martin Looney was among at least six state Democrats calling for Esty to resign, following such calls from Republicans and others.  more here

5 Comments on Pressure mounts for Rep. Esty(CT-D) to resign over violent abuse accusations against top staffer

  1. So much for the “zero tolerance” policies that dems are so proud of!
    Now you see why many of them have to work in government… cuz don’t stand a chance of working in the private sector!! Quite frankly I think politicians, and the people they hire, should be subject to background checks and drug testing before being allowed to run for office or get hired by a sitting politician. There need to be some minimum requirements to meet.


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