Pretty Much… – IOTW Report

Pretty Much…

h/t Justin.

39 Comments on Pretty Much…

  1. Kathy Griffin reminds me of the idiot that steps in dog shit & then doubles down by taking the next step …

    …. into dog shit

    then complaining it was the dog’s fault

  2. This is been floating around for a while and I’m not digging it and here’s why. Tiger meant to hurt no one. I guess he could of, but there was no intent. The Red Headed Bitch of Social conscious was trying to hurt some one. And she did. Herself. Not her original target. There’s a Gun Shop in the south someplace offering $5,000.00 for her head. Not going over well.

  3. Come on all Loco, you can’t compare Tiger Woods intent with this bitches. And honestly I hate drunk or drugged drivers. I’m just sayen this bitch had an evil intent. She’s getting what she deserved and learning nothing from it. A true Lib.

  4. Oh fuck me, that’s like saying the Terrorists on the London Bridge are no more guilty than a drunk mowing people over on the same bridge. Really? Or am I fucked up?

  5. No, terrorists are misunderstood Muslims who need jobs, love, and perhaps basketball (I may be fuzzy on that last one). Drunks are evil persons who must be executed and then tried. At least this is what I get from MSNBC.

  6. Brad, try to follow along…
    Once again, the post is about self-destruction.

    As a sentient human, I can make fun of both of the subjects without some false equivalence.
    I would like to play a round of golf with Tiger and I would like to bitch-slap Cathy Griffin.
    (And party with Tiger afterwards, UBER, of course)

    Anyway, to paraphrase James Comey, INTENT was NOT the issue.

  7. Loco, no disrespect intended, even though you’ve tried to disrespect me the best you could, do you think Woods has an agenda? Do you think the Red Headed ugly bitch has an agenda? I rest my case. We should work out together sometime.

  8. I’m waiting for your reply Loco. I’m so tired of insulting weak sisters here with no logic I could shit twinkies. Last time around this bitch asked, begged FUR to BAN me. Don’t bother Loco you weak sister, I’ve had it with being insulted by retards and I’m tapping out. got better things to do

  9. Tiger Woods responded to this article BFH and I quote “In the words of the immortal Bill Maher, ‘I ain’t not house nigger but Kathy has had a few'”.

  10. Tiger Woods responded to this article BFH and I quote “In the words of the immortal Bill Maher, ‘I ain’t no house nigger but Kathy has had a few'”.

  11. In another day, in another time, a good cop would recognize Woods and his predicament. The cop would let him sleep and check him out at intervals. Towards the end of watch he would wake Woods up and either drive him home or take him to a hospital. He would then have the car towed. No media involvement. But that was in another day; another time. Long gone. Sad. Been there, done that.

  12. I think maybe he got a break from the cop ? He seemed to Have been Drunk, the Medication (prescription of course) Looks much better for Tigers Image !
    We may see a new Fleet of Police Cars Soon.

  13. Plantman He did not “get a break” from that cop who, like a fucking holliwood director, videotaped him for 97 fucking minutes, Gimmeafookenbreak!

  14. Bad Brad. I just found out that the Irish elected a Half Indian, half Irish Homosexual as their new Prime Minister He became famous for pushing same sex marriage in Ireland some time last year. I called the US Government Sexual and Ethnic Department and asked them if I could identify as an Native American with no Irish blood, whatsoever. They are sending me an application. Tell Mrs. Brad, she should do it now, before it’s too late.

  15. Crazy white cracker and Bad_Boy_Brad, a couple of my most favorite, funny, handsome, cute, cerebral, snarly, clever, awe inspiring, testosterone oozing, possibly boozy, smartasses; as agitators you put Maytag to shame.

    luv ya

  16. Flattery will get you everywhere Zonga. 🙂

    Brad and I haven’t argued in quite some time.
    I thought he understood me but this one is way out of left field???

    I’m sure we’ll kiss and make up soon enough before we’re back at each other’s throats.

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