Pretty Prime minister booed at town hall – IOTW Report

Pretty Prime minister booed at town hall


Justin Trudeau Booed at Disastrous Town Hall as Polls Show Lowest Approval Ever.


A poll released Tuesday found Canadians disenchanted with liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, whose approval ratings have fallen to their lowest since he assumed the nation’s highest office.

The Forum Poll™, a public opinion firm, released their numbers while Trudeau was visiting western Calgary. Having called for “phasing out” oil sands from the nation’s economy, Calgarians greeted Trudeau with loud boos and, in some instances, barely managed to let Trudeau answer their barbed questions.

Forum found that 48 percent of Canadians approve of the job Trudeau is doing as Prime Minister, the first time his approval has crossed the 50 percent mark. “Those are the worst numbers Forum — or any other pollster — has registered for Trudeau since he became prime minister,” the firm notes.

Trudeau’s approval rating dropped ten percentage points since November, during which he became the target of international scorn for praising late Communist dictator Fidel Castro. Trudeau dropped another three points in December, Forum adds, following the revelation that he had attended lavish Trudeau Foundation meetings where Chinese millionaire lobbyists were present.   more here

22 Comments on Pretty Prime minister booed at town hall

  1. Walks like a hungry hooker, waves like a prom queen.

    The only leader in the room I see is the guy with the MAGA hat. Perhaps he can meet with the canucks afterwards and convince them to stop electing socialists.

  2. Leftist/liberalism proving it’s a failure worldwide. Germany, France, Italy, many others and now poor ‘ole Canada. Damn boys and girls, and they told us it would lead to utopia. My, my, my, lied to again.

  3. His handlers kept him out of the public eye. Well that irritated the people(why are the hiding him?).Plan b send him out there. now people see what an “in over his head” hair doo he is and we are ticked off. time to go back to plan A.

  4. Pretty Stoned pony wants to institute Pisslamic blasphemy laws so any criticism of Pisslam is a crime. He won’t condemn FGM and ISIS isn’t committing genocide. Nice fellow you elected dipshits.
    My cousin in Brampton is one who helped put him in office. She voted for him just to have something different.

  5. I bet he’s thinking damn I need to call Obama and hire his townhall organizers. You know , when they pay the crowd to ask me what kind of underwear I have on.

    Hey I hear they lost their job Jan 20th!!

  6. He’s the stupid Trudeau and with luck will continue the streak of screw-ups and the public will finally realize that this idiot was/is just a out of control puppet the Liberal Party pushed forward to gain power. I suspect that more and more Canadians (at least I fervently pray they are) are realizing that with Trump in the WH we need a strong, confident Conservative Prime Minister and Conservatives Premiers in Ontario and Alberta and that the East Coast realize the magnitude of the error in electing all Liberal candidates. This silly bastard has Canada on a road to financial ruin and must be stopped. A few more of these and a few outbursts in parliament and maybe he’ll stop himself.

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