Priceless Swedish Crowns Stolen – IOTW Report

Priceless Swedish Crowns Stolen

DC: Thieves stole the Swedish crown jewels from Strängnäs Cathedral in Sweden Tuesday and made off in a motorboat, prompting a massive manhunt.

Two unidentified men took a royal orb and two crowns from their display cases in the cathedral around noon, then escaped on a motorboat that they had moored below the church. Police gave chase with boats, helicopters and officers on land.

“We are on land, in the water and in the air,” a police spokesman told The Sydney Morning Herald.

The thieves evaded capture, however, leaving the boat to travel in a getaway car. Police believe they are either headed East to Stockholm, or west into the hinterlands. more


10 Comments on Priceless Swedish Crowns Stolen

  1. The English keep their Crown Jewels in a fortified tower under heavily armed guard,
    and the Swedes kept theirs in a church.

    Who would’ve guessed Sweden would get hit first?


  2. Sweden has no cojones, balls, jewells or anything else you want to call them. The islamic invaders they welcomed to their land are raping their women, emasculating their men and murdering their citizens.

    You reap what you sow.


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