Prickly Biden voters hate when you point out Jill is not a doctor – IOTW Report

Prickly Biden voters hate when you point out Jill is not a doctor

Patriot Retort:

I follow a pediatrician on Twitter who goes by the handle Joe Pilot, MD. And last night, he pointed out the transparently obvious: Jill is not a doctor.

Holy smokes, did the prickly Biden voters get mad.

For the last twelve hours, he’s been inundated with indignant replies from Biden voters who hate, hate, hate it when anyone points out that Jill is not a doctor.

Yes, Jill possesses a doctorate in Education. But Jill is not a doctor by profession; she is an educator.

Actually, now Jill isn’t even an educator so much as an enabler. But let’s not go there.

I admit that back in 2009 when Obama and Biden first entered office, I thought Jill was a doctor. After all, every single time she was mentioned, they called her DOCTOR Jill Biden. Who wouldn’t assume that meant Jill was a doctor.

It wasn’t until several years later that I learned that Jill is not a doctor. She was a teacher and her doctorate was in education.

Remember when Jill appeared on the View several months ago and Whoopie Goldberg suggested Jill become Surgeon General? more

50 Comments on Prickly Biden voters hate when you point out Jill is not a doctor

  1. I had a manager once that insisted on being called doctor even though she had a doctorate in English…yeah, English. She would actually correct people and tell them her name was “Dr. Silven.” I never called her doctor and that pissed her off. Then again, she treated a lot of people like they were so below her, so it my way of giving back.

  2. I tend to use “Professor” with non-physicians who have doctorates. It tends to mollify the silly stuck-up poseurs, and inside my own head that title sure isn’t a compliment. If they take offense at Professor, then I don’t think I’m going overboard when I call them “Asshole” after that.

  3. I miss good ol’ Joe Pilot.

    Someone tell him hello for me. Oh, say I know his dirty secret which is that he really doesn’t like babies, or the way they smell. That way he’ll know it’s me.

  4. Sort of like Dame Helen Mirren, who refused a title during the Thatcher administration. She wanted to wait for the Labour party to take power. I always thought that was pretty arrogant for a porn actress who starred in Caligula. She should be reffered as Dame Helen Mirren the porn actress.

  5. If you have a Ph.D or Ed.D, I think you should expect to be called doctor professionally – within your sphere – but not in general usage. Feel free to expect people to call you doctor at your university, for example. In common practice, regardless of whatever wikipedia says, people assume that a doctor is a medical doctor.
    It’s actually pretty pathetic that we are all supposed to bow down in homage to the amazing accomplishment of Jill Biden acquiring a Doctorate in Education. Woo Hoo!

  6. It is true that PhDs are also called ‘doctor’ – which is why medical doctors use MD in their titles. Hey, a doctorate is impressive for anyone, but for anyone to imply that a PhD gives them some sort of superiority over others when it comes to medical discussions is simply ludicrous.

  7. So ambulance chasers who have a J.D. (Juris Doctor) can be called doctors?
    And what about Doctorate of Engineering?

    I have never heard of a lawyer or engineer wanting to be called Dr – only silly stuck-up poseurs – as Uncle Al so eloquently put it

    Joe and Jill are pretty much a matched set

  8. Doctor Jill is one of the most skilled political prevaricators in the the history of this country. She might even exceed Mooch Osmidgen and Hillary Rodham Clinton (the Tranny and the Termagant). If her demented husband gets elected President, she’s going to be the first woman in modern history to be in charge of presidential incontinence supplies and teleprompter disinformation.

  9. I am very specific and use the Term “Medical Doctor”, the rest can go get get fisted.

    There is a frozen pizza company up here called “Dr. Oetker” and after what his Pizza did to my ass there is mo way that man went to med school.

  10. They Call Me DOC! It is a title bestowed upon me by the United States Marine Corps, an old Sgt. Major explained the title to me saying that when the S.H.T.F. especially during an amphibious landing we didn’t live very long so they never really had time to learn our names.

    I’m no Doctor, but I did play one on the battlefield. 🙂

  11. In education, the title has significant importance, but as mentioned by Eunice, it is not appropriate to use it outside of the applicable field.

    It used to be that an EdD had the equivalent respect of a vocational degree. Not so much anymore, since the prevalence of Critical Theory in Education. If you shop around and/or have connections, you can get a PhD in Education in 2 or 3 years, from formerly respected institutions, often without a comprehensive and using your diary or a term paper as your dissertation. As long as you can vomit the key words and phrases and have your pronoun card, you’re good to compete for any position requiring a PhD, even in an unrelated field.

    My father had a PhD. He cringed when people tried to address him as Doctor, however, he worked for Dept. of Army and it was a requirement, especially at his GS level.

  12. I had a(n extremely intelligent) professor of history in college who used to say with a smile that he was a professor in the USA, but a Doctor in Europe. Seems they use that term a lot more than we do. You may technically be a doctor with a PhD, but to Americans you’re not a doctor unless you’re an MD

  13. Most demand respect as they indoctrinate our children into accepting communism, atheism, homos, lesbians, pedophiles, unlimited sex, abortions, free shit, high taxes, low academic achievement, no respect for the law, and they look up to the Clintons. They demand respect? GMAFB.

  14. A long time friend from our time in the Navy together. After we were discharged worked for about 30 years at an R&D lab in N.C. Working with guys with PhDs in physics or chemistry from MIT, Princeton, CalTech, or similar places.

    He told me that only in certain social events outside the lab they would insist on being called doctor. But within the lab they never did, and in fact most of the time they questioned the intelligence of the other PhDs in the lab.

    iow, No respect someone knew what they were talking about just because they had a PhD after their name.

    They always questioned if the other guy knew what he was talking about. Clear evidence good scientific research was being done there. Not until their work proved they were onto something new, not yet discovered before, was their work given respect. And even that only lasted for the one research subject. Move on to the next research subject and everyone’s work was again questioned if their ideas were idiotic or genius. Correct ideas or completely off track. — Sadly not much of that is going on in Wuhan virus policy. Only one doctor or a few doctors might be right and all the other doctors wrong. But the hate Trump politics blocks the questions from being asked.

  15. She got her PhD from the University of Delaware, after she was married to Senator Joe. So I’m guessing her “doctorate” is barely one step above “honorary”.

  16. So Jill Biden has a doctorate. Yawn.

    What she does not have is any admirable traits. She is dragging her very corrupt and demented husband through this election because she wants to be the known as the First Lady. You have to earn respect. Honorifics are silly window dressing.

    Recently I was rebuked because I thought that referring to FORMER VP Biden as “VP Biden” was incorrect and Mike Pence might be offended. Supposedly, the rule is the highest honorific obtained is forever yours. Well, if your previous office is now occupied by someone else it should be clear you are not there. Again, someone obsessed with their previous title must have made up that rule. Loser!

  17. Ph.D. in education? I’ve known several and I wouldn’t hire them to baby sit. It takes more work, skill and smarts to become a first class welder or cabinet maker (or aeronautical engineer, for that matter.)

  18. I can settle this. From now forward, she is to be referred only as ‘Biden’s Wife’.

    Treat her like the left treats everyone. They find out what’s important to you and then snatch it away. I just took her fake ass title and her name.

  19. Time to reserve that title for physicians only. After that douche at WHO called himself doctor, and was not a real scientist, and put too many into isolation; out of business, and a future


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